Occasions when Obligatory Prayers can be Broken Reasons for Which It Is Permissible to Break Salat

Question: What are the reasons for which it is permissible to break a salat?

They are as follows:
1. In order to kill a snake,
2. In order to catch a runaway animal,
3. In order to rescue a flock from wolves,
4. In order to take food that is boiling over away from the fire,
5. In order to protect your or someone else’s property from destruction,
6. In order to urinate or to break wind,
7. When there is no fear that the salat time may expire or
that you may be late for the jama’at, in order to rid yourself of
something that nullifies salat according to another madhhab,
e.g. to clean the impurity that is less than a dirham [a dirham is equal to 4 grams and 80 centigrams] or to make
wudu’ when you remember that you have touched a non-mahram woman, you can break your salat.

There are two reasons that make it fard [necessary] to break any salat:
1. Salat must be broken in order to save a person who screams for help, to save a blind person who is about to fall down into a well, to save a person who is about to burn or drown, or to put out a fire.

2. When your mother, father, grandmother, or grandfather calls you, it is not wajib, but permissible, for you to break a fard salat, yet you must not break it if it is not necessary. But voluntary salats [even the sunnat ones] must be broken. If they call for help, it is necessary to break a fard salat, too. If they call you knowing that you are performing salat, you may not break even a voluntary salat. But if they call you and do not know that you are performing salat, you have to break it.

Question: Is it permissible to break salat when the door is knocked or when the phone rings?
No, it is not permissible to break salat if there is no extreme necessity (darurat). It is haram to break salat in order to answer the phone. The person who knocks a door should wait at least for a time in which one can perform a four-rak’at salat.

Question: Scorpions enter our house from the garden. Sometimes they approach my prayer mat while I am performing salat. Is it permissible to break my salat to kill a scorpion?
It is permissible to break salat in case of danger. A hadith-i sharif says:
(Kill a snake and scorpion even when you are performing salat.) [Nasai]

It does not nullify salat and does not render it makruh to kill a snake or a scorpion that is moving closer to a person performing salat.

Question: If a non-Muslim comes and says “Teach Islam to me. I want to become a Muslim” while one is performing salat, will it be permissible to break the salat and teach Islam to that person?
Yes, it is permissible, but one must repeat the salat after it. (Fatawa-i Hindiyya)

 * It is haraam, as an obligatory precaution, to break obligatory prayers purposely. But if one has to break in order to protect property, or to escape from financial or physical harm, there is no objection. In fact, he can break it for any worldly or religious purpose which is crucially important for him.
*If it is not possible for a person to protect, without breaking the prayers, his own life, or the life of a person whose protection is obligatory upon him, or to protect a property the protection of which is obligatory on him, he should break the prayers.
*If a creditor demands payment from a person who is praying, and if there is ample time for Salat , he should pay him while praying, if that is possible. But if it is not possible to pay him without breaking the Salat , then he should break the Salat , pay the creditor and then pray.
*: If a person learns during his prayers that the mosque is najis, and if time is short, he should complete the prayers. And if there is sufficient time, and making the mosque Clean (tahir/pak) does not change the form of prayers, he should make it Clean (tahir/pak) while praying, and then continue with the remaining part of the prayers. And if making the mosque Clean (tahir/pak) in that state changes the form of the prayers, breaking of prayers is permissible if making it Clean (tahir/pak) is possible after prayers; but if it is not possible, he should break the prayers, make the mosque Clean (tahir/pak), and then offer prayers.
*In a situation where one must break Salat , if he goes on and completes it, his Salat is in order, though he will have committed a sin. However, the recommended precaution is that he should offer the Salat again.
* If a person offering prayers remembers before Qir'at, or before going to Ruku, that he has forgotten to say Adhan and Iqamah, and if he has sufficient time at his disposal, it is Mustahab that he should break the prayers and recite Adhan and Iqamah. In fact, if he remembers having missed them out before ending the Salat , if is Mustahab to break the Salat and pronounce them.
Conclusion from my last discussion on our Blogs ( www.skbola.blogspot.com );
Prayer is the soul of religion. Where there is no prayer , there can be no purification of the soul. The non-praying man is rightly considered to be a soulless man. Take prayer out of the world, and it is all over with religion because it is with prayer that man has the consciousness of God and selfless love for humanity and inner sense of piety.Prayer is, therefore, the first, the highest, and the most solemn phenomenon and manifestation of religion.

The way in which prayer is offered and the words which are recited in it explain the true nature of religion of which it is the expression of man's contact with the Lord.

Prayer in Islam gives in a nutshell the teachings of Islam. The very first thing which comes into prominence in Islamic prayer is that it is accompanied by bodily movements. It implies that Islam lifts not only the soul to the spiritual height, but also illuminates the body of man with the light of God-consciousness.It aims at purifying both body and soul, for it finds no cleavage between them.Islam does not regard body and soul as two different entities opposed to each other, or body as the prison of the soul from which It yearns to secure freedom in order to soar to heavenly heights. "The soul is an organ of the body which exploits it for physiological purposes, or body is an instrument of the soul" (Iqbal, Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam, p 105), and thus both need spiritual enlightenment.

Secondly, Islamic prayer does not aim at such a spiritual contact with God in which the world and self are absolutely denied, in which human personality is dissolved, disappears and is absorbed in the Infinite Lord.Islam does not favour such a meditation and absorption in which man ceases to be conscious of his own self and feels himself to be perfectly identified with the Infinite, and claims in a mood of ecstasy: My "I" has become God, or rather he is God. Islam wants to inculcate the consciousness of the indwelling of the light of God in body and soul but does allow him to transport himself in the realm of lnfinity. It impresses upon his mind that he is the humble servant of the Great and Glorious Lord and his spiritual development and religious piety lies in sincere and willing obedience to Allah.The very first step towards the achievement of this objective is that man should have a clear consciousness of his own finiteness and Infiniteness of the Lord, and clearly visualise and feel that he is created as a human being by the Creator and Master of the universe, and he cannot, therefore, become demi-god or god.His success lies in proving himself by his outlook and behaviour that he is the true and loyal servant of his Great Master.Islamic prayer is, therefore, the symbol of humble reverence before the Majesty of the Glorious Lord.
Oh Allah I have conveyed the message!!!
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