Is it true that Hell will be Haram for us by just informing other People first about the coming of Ramadan?

And is it true about the Hadith that People claim it is from the Prophet?

Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuhu my respectable brothers and sisters in Islam. It has come to our notice that fabricated message have been roaming on Whatsapp and Facebook in which they attributed it to the Prophet (saw) which is not true. This is the message below:👇🏼

"Ramadan starts likely on June 19 in sha Allah .... which is only 152 days from today. Prophet Mohammad S.A.W. says if one informs another about Ramadan first, hell fire will become haram for that individual."

This statement is not from the Prophet (saw). It is not even a hadith. It is just a fabricated saying which they attributed to the Prophet (saw). 
It is crystal clear that the social media is playing a crucial role as regards dawah and this indeed has helped in enlightening many people on different aspects of the seen like Tawheed, Jurisprudence, Islamic History, amongst others.

In the same way that it is used to increase us in knowledge is it to get us infected with viruses (wrong understanding), lying all in the name of doing dawah, and of course attacking people personalities.

The point I'm making is to remind us not to be oblivious that lying upon the prophet of Allah is a great sin of the great sins, and that to lie upon Him ain't like that of other creatures.

This is evident in the hadith reported by more than sixty companions (amidst then are the ten who are given the tidings of paradise) which can be seen in sahihaa al-Bukhaaree and Muslim where he says

من كذب علي متعمدا فليتبوأ مقعده من النار.
Translation: whoever intentionally lies against me should find his seat in the hell.

And it is also reported from Him in another narration that 
 [ من روى عني حديثا و هو يرى أنه‬ ‫كذب فهو أحد الكاذبين ]‬ ‫

Translation: whoever reports from me a hadith and he sees it as lie is one of the liars. 

And to know the extent of the evil of lying upon Allah and the prophet of Allah, shaiykh Muhammad ibn Uthmaan adh-Dhahaabyy opened a chapter for lying against Allah ad the prophet in his book Al-kabaair.
It is stated in the book that the lying as some scholars say is disbelief and there is consensus that lying to make permissible what ain't permissible and vice versa is disbelief.

So dear brethren who use lie to do dawah and fabricate hadith to encourage good deeds and to forbid evil , it's upon you to think twice before you forward as received or copy so as not to make the dawah you want to do be against you.

Moreover, It is not a sin if you say u don't know the answer to a question when asked than to say what you don't know of the deen of Allah.
It is said that من قال لاأدرى فقد أجاب Whoever says I dont know has answered.

And know may Allah have mercy on you that Allah says 
In suratul Qaaf 
ما يلفظ من قول إلا لديه رقيب عتيد
Translation: not a word does he/she utters except that there is a watch by him to record it.

In conclusion, this is just to make us cautious of what we copy, paste and forward as regards issues of the deen and also a clamant call on us to learn about the religion so that we know what is lie from the truth.

Those who have been circulating this message should stop pls for the sake of Allah. To fabricate stories and attributed it to the Prophet is a danger crime which we should be very careful. 

 The Prophet (saw) said: “To fabricate my words is not like fabricating any other person’s words. The person who fabricates my words should prepare an abode for himself in the fire of hell.” [Sahih al Bukhari]

Please anywhere you see that kind of message don't fear to condemn it with all certainty and advise the person with Wisdom. 

May Allah forgive our shortcomings and grant us guidance Aameen
My Allah grant us the understanding of his deen, make us more unflinching on the path and make us inmates of al-jannatul al-firdaws.
Oh Allah I have conveyed the message!!!
On behalves of the entire Admin of The Remembrance of Allah platform 
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