Looking at a Woman for the Purpose of Medical Treatment

Question: Is it permissible for a male doctor to look at an ajnabiyah female patient?
Answer: There is no disagreement amongst the scholars that the doctor is permitted to
look at an ajnabiyah’s awrah (nakedness) as long as, there is a need. The proof is in
the hadiths:
- Ar-Rabeea Bint Mo’awwith said: “We were with the Prophet and we
treated the injured, gave them water and returned the dead to Madinah. [Al-Bukhari]
- Narrated Jabir that Umm Salimah asked permission from the
Messenger of Allah to be cupped, so the Prophet ordered Abu Taibah
to cup her. [Muslim, Abu Dawoud, Ibn Majah and Ahmed]
Viewpoint of the proof: The Prophet ordered Abu Taibah to cup Umm
Salimah giving him permission to look at the area he will cup, since the one
who performs the cupping must look at the place where he will place the cupping
utensil. So this shows that the doctor may look at what is considered the awrah of a
woman for medical purposes.
Consensus: The Fuqaha (scholars of Islamic Jurisprudence) are in agreement on the
permissibility of a doctor looking at the awrah of a person of the opposite sex for
medical purposes if they fulfill the conditions that allow it, which are as follows:
1. The absence of a woman (for treating a lady) who is capable of treating her or there is a
woman but she is not sufficiently qualified.
2. He must not be secluded with her.
3. She must only display the part of the body that will be treated, and he must not look at any
other part of her body.
4. That one fears she may die, she has a terminal disease, facing loss of a body part(s) or
pain that she can not bear if she is not treated.
5. That the doctor (or the one who is treating her) should not be a non-Muslim if there is a
Muslim who is capable.
6. That the doctor must be trustworthy.
7. The doctor must not feel that the female patient will be a great temptation for him. If he
feels that she will be source of great temptation then it is not permitted.
Tell the believing men to lower their gaze (from looking at forbidden
things), and protect their private parts (from illegal sexual acts, etc.).
That is purer for them. Verily, Allah is All-Aware of what they do.
[ An-Noor:30]
* Note Allah orders lowering the gaze before protection of private parts. This is
because it is the sight that leads one to become unchaste.
Narrated Abu Saeed that the Prophet said: “Beware of gathering upon the
streets.” They said: It is a necessity and we just gather and speak there. He said: “So if
you come to those gatherings then give the road its right” They said: And what is its
right? He said: “Lowering the gaze, keeping back harm, returning salaams, enjoining
the good and forbidding the evil.” [Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud]
Abu Hurairah narrated that the Prophet said: “Indeed Allah has decreed for
the descendants of Adam his portion of Zina (fornication or adultery). He will attain it
inevitably, the zina of the eyes is looking, the zina of the tongue is speech, and the soul
craves and desires, and the private parts consent or disprove it.” [Bukhari, Muslim and
Abu Dawud]
On the authority of Jareer Bin Abdullah : I asked The Messenger of Allah
about a sudden (unexpected, unintentional or accidental) look, so he ordered me to
avert my sight. [Abu Dawud and At-Tirmidhi]
Imam An-Nawawi (May Allah have mercy upon him) said commenting on this hadith: “It
is when your sight unexpectedly (accidentally) falls upon an Ajnabiyah (a woman to
whom a man is not a mahram) without any intent to do so. So there is no sin in that
first glance but he must avert his sight from her immediately. If he does so then he will
not attain a sin but if he prolongs his look then he will fall into sin as this hadith
The Messenger of Allah also said: "O Ali, do not follow a glance with another, for
you will be forgiven for the first, but not for the second."
[Reported by al-Tirmidhi, 2701; see Saheeh al-Jaami’, 7953]
Al-Mubaarakfpuri said regarding this hadith: "The words ‘do not follow a glance with
another’ mean do not look again after the first glance. ‘You will be forgiven for the first’
means that you will be forgiven if the first glance was unintentional, and ‘but not for
the second’ means that because the second glance was by choice, it will be counted
against you."
Without a doubt, the issues regarding lowering one's gaze leads to one of the most
Heinous Sins in Islam, Zina (Fornication and Adultery). And not lowering one's gaze is
the root or first step that leads down this dangerous path.
The Salaf were well aware of the danger of illegal looking, as they used to say:
“Looking is like an arrow from the poisoned arrows of Shaytan."
The meaning here is that the damage that is caused by an arrow to the game is similar
to that which illegal looking does to the human being’s heart and iman.
They also used to say: "Looking is like a spark (of fire) that burns the wood. If it does not
burn it all, it will burn some of it."
How true these words are today as this illegal looking has become especially dangerous
in these times of the prevalence of the internet, television (even the News Programs),
and magazines in which there are an abundance of images of the opposite sex.
Then on top of that, many young Muslims today are raised in the West and are taught
that one should look a person in the eye when speaking to them, regardless of gender.
This is not to mention the flood of pornography and other illicit images that have
become a major problem in the world today even amongst some Muslims.
It has become a very sad thing to see that Muslims in this day have "boyfriends" and
"girlfriends". Regardless of how they met, the illicit relationship started with an illegal
And because the problem of free-mixing is so widespread, we have decided to address
the first direct cause of this sickness, rather tha n the sickness itself.
So it is incumbent upon us as Muslims to know exactly where the boundaries of the
halal and haram are regarding this dangerous issue and exactly how to guard our
Islamic modesty. As the Prophet said:
“Every religion has a characteristic and the characteristic of Islam is Hayaa’. “ [Ibn
May Allah send his peace and blessings upon our Prophet Muhammad and his wives
and his Sahabah.
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