Ramadhan Day Twelve (12) Smoking Cigarettes is not Permissible in Islam not even in holy month(Ramadhan

The ruling on selling Cigarettes and Drugs and then giving.        Charity with its Money Q: What is the ruling on doing business with cigarettes, (illegal) drugs and similar things? Is it permissible to give charity, perform Hajj and do acts of righteousness from its money and profits?

Allah has made humankind the most honoured of all creation, “Indeed, we honoured the children of Adam (Mankind)…” (Ch 17, v70) granting man the highest status of all created beings.In physical and spiritual aspects, mankind far exceeds other beings in the whole of creation. In physical appearance there is nothing more perfect that Allah created. Allah has stated in the Holy Qur’an: “Verily, we created mankind in the best of statures…” (Ch 95, v4).
In terms of knowledge and intellect, Allah has given mankind certain qualities which are not found in any of creation such as the facility of reasoning and learning. Allah has stated in the Holy Qur’an: “Allah has taught man that which he knew not." (Ch 96, v5). In the teachings of Islam it is accepted that the body which we live in this world with is a trust from the creator (Allah ). A person does not have the right to alter his physical appearance according to his own preference, to put his own life in danger or to utilize those means which will cause harm to ones health. These are most definitely not permissible according to the laws of Islam. This is also the reason why the Scholars of Islam have looked with great respect at the field of Pharmacology and Medicine. Imam Shafi stated: ‘Verily knowledge is of two aspects. One is that of jurisprudence, to use the Holy Qur’an and Sunnah as a means by which to live your life. The second being the knowledge of medicine for the curing of ailments. (Miftahul Sa’ada, p267) Indeed we are living in a time of great confusion, where the truth is mixed with falsehood, in which none can distinguish between the two except for those Allah has given the criterion. Allah says, “O you who believe, if you have taqwaa1 of Allah, He will give you a criterion (to differentiate between truth and falsehood) …” [Surah al-Anfaal (8):29] And from the matters in which many are confused is the tobacco that has become so rampant in our times. Its trial has afflicted Taqwaa: a state in which one avoids all which Allah forbids and does all He commands.many people, even those that we might consider to be from amongst the righteous, so much so that we even see them indulging in it in the open, not perceiving its great harm to their religion and health. Also, a great disservice has been done by those who call themselves scholars, confusing people and not clarifying to them the ruling concerning this tobacco, giving excuse that there are no clear evidences to be found establishing its prohibition. If we were to accord to this reasoning, one would find that we would not then be able to give judgment in many other matters in the religion, for Allah, out of His infinite Wisdom, has given general rulings which allow us to judge specific matters, thus making His religion the ultimate source of legislation for all matters, in this world and the next, until the end of time.
Anyone who has the slightest understanding of Islam and its
sources has no doubt concerning its permissibility, but others’
reasoning has been corrupted because of adhering to false notions,
like blind following, so much that their intellect ceases to
function, not being able to perceive anything other than the opinion
of the one they follow. The first: Authentic sources.
Allah (swt) says in the Qur`an, “And those who follow the Messenger, the Prophet who can neither read nor write, whom they find written
with them in the Tawraah (Torah) and the Injeel
(Gospels), ordering them with al-ma’roof (all things
ordained by Islam), and prohibiting them from almunkar
(all things prohibited by Islam), and allows
for them at-tayyibaat (all things good and pure) and
prohibits them al- khabaa`ith…” [Surah al-A’raaf (7):157]
It has been related in a hadeeth8 in Saheeh al-Bukhaari, on the
authority of ‘Umar, who said that the Prophet said,“Every intoxicant is considered khamr (wine) and every
khamr is haraam (impermissible).”
… and in the wording of Muslim,
“…and every intoxicant is haraam.”
It has also been related by Tirmidhi (which he stated as a hasan
hadeeth) and Abu Dawud:
“Every intoxicant is haraam, and anything of which a
large amount intoxicates, even a small amount is haraam.”
All of these noble verses and authentic ahaadith establish its prohibition,
for at times this khabeeth is an intoxicant, and at other
times a sedative, and none object to this fact except those who
reject the reality of their senses. Without any doubt, these texts
also confirm the prohibition of all other types of intoxicants and
It has been related by Imaam Ahmad and Abu Dawud on the
authority of Umm Salamah, may Allah be pleased with her, that
she said:
“The Messenger of Allah (swt) prohibited every intoxicant
and sedative.”
Al-Hafidh, az-Zain al-‘Iraaqi said,
“Its isnaad is saheeh,” and as-Suyuti also declared it to be
saheeh in his book, Al-Jaami’-us-Saheeh.”
Smoking also involves wastage of money, causing the smoker to
sacrifice many essentials of life in its acquisition, and none can
object to this reality.
In a hadeeth found in the Saheehayn, the Prophet (_) said:
“Verily Allah has made forbidden for you: disobedience
to parents, burying alive of daughters, and demanding
your rights while not giving to others, and He has hated
Tobacco and Smoking
by Western Health investigative officer Ismaa‘eel Rushdie:
It is a plant the Arabs named, at-Tabaaq (tobacco). By chemical
analysis, it is shown to contain a poisonous substance of which
if two drops were to be administered to a dog’s mouth, it
would immediately die, and five drops are sufficient to kill a
camel. Savage people in the past were accustomed to chewing
it. This is the most harmful method of utilization, for it enters
the stomach through the saliva. In spite of the wide array of
harm it causes, its consumption has become prevalent amongst
many nations.
Physicians have established that tobacco affects the heart by
causing palpitation, the lungs by causing cough, the stomach by
causing a loss of appetite, the eyes by causing conjunctivitis,
and the nervous system by sedating it.
Doctor Damardaash Ahmad stated the following:
“And I do not find in the faults of people a fault,
Like the shortcomings found in the competent of
I do not believe that the human race, since the time of its creation,
has weakened and humiliated itself in front of its enemy
as much they have in front of smoking cigarettes, as this habit
has captivated, fettered and humiliated its pride. It has taken
control of all types of people, from the most menial of laborers
who depredate their own and their family’s nourishment, to the
leading physicians, philosophers, and intellectuals who have
annulled their ingeniousness with which they revealed distant
horizons in an array of arts and sciences.
The prevalent opinion was that smoking in moderation caused
little or no harm to the healthy person, but ongoing research
has established that in fact the harm caused by smoking is
something that could never have been imagined.
The realities of what this research has established the following.
Professor Diamond Palmer undertook a study of twenty
thousand cases, amongst them were those who smoke excessively,
moderately, and those that abstain from smoking altogether.
He created a profile at John Hopkins University stating
in it everything related to their health, disease and lifestyles. He
started the research in the year 1919 CE and completed it in
the year 1940 CE with the following conclusion:
Smoking cigarettes clearly shortens the lifespan of a person in
relation to the amount consumed; those who refrain live longer
than those who are moderate smokers, and those who smoke
moderately live longer than those do so excessively.
I ask Allah (swt) that He guide us to the straight path, and that He
grant us the guidance to accept advice, and that He keep us away
from all which contains danger and harm. We ask that He have
mercy upon the author, cause benefit by his work, and cause us
to meet in the most honorable abode.
And may the Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet
Muhammad, and upon al his family and companions.The Slow Poison of Cigarettes
Allah has stated in the Holy Qur’an: “Do not kill yourselves (nor kill one another). Surely, Allah Most High
is Most Merciful to you.” (Ch 4, v29)
Shaykh Ahmed Umal Hashim said: “The Scholars of the past did not consider the use of tobacco or
cigarettes as impermissible. This was due to the fact that the research of the time either was not initiated or it did
not allow them to understand the harms that this causes to smokers. Over time, as the research advanced it
showed the serious harm to the health of smokers through cigarettes. The scholars then viewed this in light of the
Holy Qur’an and Sunnah and passed the ruling that smoking of cigarettes was impermissible. (Al Mu’riful Shar’i)
The Holy Prophet Muhammad stated: “Whoever, by taking poison killed himself, his abode will be the
Hellfire.” (Saheeh Muslim)
Verily it is accepted that the direct effect of death by poison is not found by the smoking of cigarettes. However,
there is no doubt that the smoking of cigarettes slowly deteriorates a person’s health and it is a form of ‘slow
acting poison’.
The World Health Organization (W.H.O) has stated in a research paper that smokers of cigarettes die quicker or
suffer worse health problems than those affected with Malaria, Typhoid, TB and other such epidemics. Research
has shown that smoking causes most COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) cases, approximately 85%,
including emphysema. It has also been proven that women who smoke during pregnancy are at a greater risk of
harming the mental and physical wellbeing of the child in their womb. There has also been a direct link
established showing that sufferers of throat and lung cancer (as well as other diseases) are smokers/ have smoked
as an ongoing habit in their past. (MAYO CLINIC)

Harm to One’s Self and Others
The Holy Prophet stated: “Do not harm yourself and others.” (Al Ashba wal Nazahir, Ibn Majah p234)
Cigarettes are harmful to both the smoker and also affect those around the smokers through secondary smoke. It
also causes the body and clothing of those effected to smell unpleasant. Ibn Sina commented: “If smoke
and pollution were not present then man would enjoy long lifespans.” He also stated: “If you stay away from 3
things, you will not require the close attention of a doctor - smoke, pollution and stench/unpleasant odour.”
(Majalisul Abrar, p676)
The use of tobacco based sheesha is no different to that of cigarettes, in some ways it is worse due to the absence
of a filter.
Sayyidna Jabir relates that the Holy Prophet RasulAllah stated: “Do not come close to my Masjid after
eating raw onion and garlic, due to unpleasant smells, people and angels are inconvenienced.” (Sunan Nasai,
no710/ Ibn Majah, no1015)
The odour of cigarettes is such that those who are not accustomed to smoking/ smelling the odour of cigarette
smoke, on occasion vomit due to this. It is for this reason that Mufti Abul Hasanat Abdul Hai Lucknowi
writes: “To recite the Holy Qur’an and enter the Masjid whilst the stench of cigarettes is present upon a person is
Makrooh Tahrimi (very close to Haram).” (Majmu’atul Fatawa, vol 2, p286)
Abuse of Wealth
Allah has stated in the Holy Qur’an: “Eat and drink but waste not by extravagance, certainly He (Allah)
likes not those who waste by extravagance.”(Surah 7, v31)
Even if a smoker is not immediately affected by ill health due to smoking, it is still not permissible in Islam for
anyone to waste their money on unnecessary things.
In Sahih Bukhari it is related that RasulAllah warned against squandering and wasting one’s wealth.
In smoking cigarettes, there is no apparent worldly or spiritual benefit. Without exaggeration, we can say that
smoking is nothing more than a means of burning your wealth. If we assess the cost of a smoker’s monthly
expense on cigarettes, the very same amount would suffice to provide the monthly food expenses of a family in
the 3rd world for a month. Similarly, the same amount of money could be utilized in educating poor/orphaned
children in developing countries. Providing them with education which otherwise would be not be available. A
single person smoking 20 cigarettes a day is spending an equivalent to about £1980 per year.
The Opinion of the Scholars of Islam
All scholars are unanimous on the opinion that smoking is not permissible. The exact ruling does differ in the
exact wording but all are agreed it is not permissible. The Hanbali and Maliki scholars classify smoking as
absolutely Haram. Some Shafi and Hanafi scholars classify smoking as Makrooh Tahrimi (very close
to Haram).
Shah Abdul Aziz Muhadith Dehlawi and Mufti Abul Hasanat Abdul Hai Lucknowi have through
detailed research and evaluation, classified smoking as Makrooh Tahrimi. (Majmu’atul Fatawa, vol 2, p286)
This is considered the logical view according to me. The proofs from the religious texts and research show that
cigarettes cannot be compared to alcohol to classify it as Haram. Alcohol is a direct prohibition ordained by Allah
from the Qur’an and is impure. It is an intoxicant and hinders the mental capabilities of the user. These
qualities are not found in cigarettes, however, in light of the balanced evidences provided above it is most
definitely Makrooh Tahrimi (very close to Haram).
After understanding the harms of smoking, efforts should be made to relieve oneself of this evil and
discourage others also.
Rulings On Smoking Cigarettes, Wee, Marijuana etc in Islam. Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem.
In the teachings of Islam it is well known that our body or entire system of our flesh is a trust from the creator (Allah). A person does not have the right to alter his physical appearance according to his own preference, to put his own life in danger or to utilise those means which will cause harm to ones health. These are most definitely not permissible according to the laws of Islam. This is also the reason why the Scholars of Islam have looked with great respect at the field of Pharmacology and Medicine. Imam Shafi (rah) stated: ‘Verily knowledge is of 2 aspects. One is that of jurisprudence, to use the Quran and Sunnah as a means by which to live your life. The second being the knowledge of medicine for the curing of ailments. (Miftahul Sa’ada, p267). The Prophet was a doctor at the same time a preacher. Doctor in the sense that he taught prophetic medicines using heabs and dua.
The Slow Poison of Cigarettes
Allah (swt) says in the Quran: “Do not kill yourselves (nor kill one another). Surely, Allah Most High is Most Merciful to you”(Ch 4, v29)
The Last and Final Messenger to Mankind, Muhammad Abdullah (s.a.w) stated: “Whoever, by taking poison killed himself, his abode will be the Hellfire 😱.” (Saheeh Muslim).
Smoking which was discovered by the Spanish conquistadors in America, about
500 years ago; from Spain, it spread to the rest of Europe, and thence to
the Muslim world about 100 years later.
Unfortunately, while the West has long realized the dangers of smoking
and attempted to reduce it, in the Muslim lands, it has spread with little
or no interference.
Early Muslim scholars, confronted with this obnoxious habit, declared it
to be makrooh (detested), comparing it with such things as garlic and
onions. This was due to
the fact that, at that
time, no one was aware
of the harmful effects
produced by smoking,
which include, cancer,
heart disease, strokes,
miscarriages and premature
birth in women and
several other diseases.
Since it has become clear
that smoking is harmful, it is obligatory upon all Muslims to abstain from
it, for Allaah has said: { And do not kill yourselves, Allaah is indeed Merciful
to you } (Soorah 4:29), and the Prophet ( peace be upon him ) said:
"Let there be no harming and no reciprocating harm." (Narrated by Ahmad).
Unfortunately, some Muslims, either deliberately, or through ignorance,
have been guilty of misleading Muslims, by repeating the earlier judgments
of scholars, that smoking is only disliked, and therefore, not forbidden.
The Messenger of Allaah( peace be upon him ) also said: "The feet of man
will not depart, on the Day of Judgment, from his standing before his
Lord, until he is asked about five things: His lifetime and how he spent it;
his youth and how he used it; his wealth - where he earned it and how he
spent it; and how he followed what he knew." (Narrated by At-Tirmizi)
He ( peace be upon him ) also said: "Whoever imbibes poison, killing
himself with it, will be consuming his poison in the Hell-fire and will dwell
therein eternally." (Narrated by Al-Bukhaari)
Smoking is also harmful to the human mind and reason. One only has to
observe a smoker who has been deprived of his cigarettes for a while: He
is rude, nervous, quick to anger and incapable of concentration. He cannot
relax until he has had his "fix". He is affected by insomnia, indigestion,
episodes of acute anxiety and so on…
Allaah’s Messenger ( peace be upon him ) said: "Anyone who believes in
Allaah and the Last Day should not hurt his neighbour." (Narrated by Al-
He ( peace be upon him )also said: "Verily, the example of a good companion
and a bad one is like that of a perfume seller and a blacksmith: As
for the perfume seller, he would either give you (some perfume), or you
would buy (some) from him, or at least, you would get a good smell from
him. And as for the blower of the bellows, you would either get a foul
odor from him, or he would burn your clothes." (Narrated by Al-Bukhaari
and Muslim)
Smoking is also a waste of one’s wealth on things which offer only harm
and no benefit, for Allaah, Most High says: { And do not waste [your
wealth] extravagantly. Indeed the squanderers are brethren to the devils
are brethren to the devils } (Soorah 17:26-27)
Smoking involves consuming an evil substance. It has a noxious smell, a
horrible taste and is harmful to the body. Allaah says: { He [the Prophet e]
who will enjoin upon them the doing of what is right, forbid them from
wrongdoing, make lawful to them the good things of life, forbid for them
the evil things and lift from them their burdens and the shackles that
were [formerly] upon them } (Soorah 7:157)
A smoker is not only a faasid (corrupt person), but also a mufsid (one who
spreads corruption): Because of his bad example, his family members,
friends and colleagues may also smoke. It is useless to say: "Do as I say,
and not as I do." The problem is exacerbated when the smoker affects an
air of religious piety or knowledge, because many people will take him as
a role model. This multiplies his sins and increases his burden. Genuinely
pious people avoid smoking and smokers, thus the smoker is excluded
from the company of the righteous.
Smokers find fasting during the month of Ramadan more difficult than
non-smokers, because they are suffering a form of drug addiction. They
rarely fast voluntary fasts since even the obligatory fast is a trial for them.
The prohibition of smoking applies equally to the user, the seller, the
manufacturer, the advertiser and all those involved in its production, sale
or consumption, for Allaah says: { Cooperate with one another in righteousness
and piety, and do not cooperate with one another in sinning
and transgression. And fear Allaah; verily, Allaah is severe in punishment }
(Soorah 5:2) and the Messenger of Allaah ( peace be upon him ) said:
"Indeed, when Allaah prohibits something, he prohibits its price." (Narrated
by Ahmad)
What is the ruling on doing business with cigarettes, (illegal) drugs and similar things? Is it permissible to give charity, perform Hajj and do acts of righteousness from its money and profits?
It is not permissible to do business with cigarettes, drugs and other forbidden things, because it is from the wicked things and due to what it contains of physical, spiritual and financial harm. If the person wants to give charity or perform Hajj or spend his money in acts of righteousness, he should seek to the good from his wealth to give charity with or perform Hajj with or spend in acts of righteousness.
This is due to the generality of Allah's Statement:O you who believe! Spend from the good things that you have (legally) earned and from what we have proved for you from the earth. And do not aim at that which is bad to spend it, (though) you would not accept it except if you close your eyes and tolerate therein.
And also the Prophet's statement: Verily, Allah is good and He only accepts good. [2]
1.Al-Baqarah 267 2.Muslim no. 1015
Permanent Committee for Research and Verdicts
Fatawa Islamiyah Darussalam Vol:4 no.425
So dear brothers and sisters, if you are addicted to this foul habit, you
must make your intention firmly to Allaah to stop and seek aid with Him
Who hears and sees all, and always answers the supplication of the sincere
Believer. He, Most High says: { And when My slaves ask you about
Me, [oh, Muhammad, say that] verily, I am near [in hearing, seeing and
know-ledge]: I answer the supplication of the one who asks when he asks
Me } (Soorah 2:186)
We ask Allah the Almighty to cure everyone indulging in this evil and help him in giving it up. Allah is the Best Guide to the Right Path.
May Allah guide us from any satanic influences. Aameen!!!
★For: #Dhikrullah

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