Fenugreek (HULBA) is another herb that was favored by the Prophet (SAW) and herbalists for thousands of years.
Qasim bin Abdur-Rahman narrated that the Prophet said, "Mix fenugreek in your
medicines." It is also related in the collection
of Hadith that the Prophet visited one of his
blessed companions, Sa'ad bin Abi Waqqass,
who had contracted an illness during his stay
in Mecca, and then requested that a physician
examine him. After a diagnosis was made, the
Prophet (SAW) said,
"He will be fine. Give him the soup of a concoction of dates and Fenugreek."
Fenugreek seeds have been found by
laboratory tests to be very high in a number of nutrients, most notably fixed oils, which are
comparable to the beneficial cod liver oil and
other therapeutic oils that contain high amounts of vitamin A and choline.
For this reason, fenugreek is often used to lower blood cholesterol and provide strength to the body systems, particularly the heart, lungs and digestive system.
These same ingredients oxidize to produce the distinctive smell one acquires when drinking fenugreek tea.
The trigonelline in the seeds has been proven
to have a hypoglycemic effect on rats, and has
long been a favorite for anyone suffering from
hypoglycemia and diabetes as well as fatigue.
Fenugreek also contains saponins and
sapogenins, which are materials essential for
the synthesis of steroid hormones and related
drugs, giving it the same potential as wild yam
has recently become popular for - as a natural
estrogen replacement therapy.
For this same reason, fenugreek has been used historically for a multitude of female complaints - from halting painful menses to promoting lactation in new mothers.
Fenugreek is also high in minerals and
proteins, making it a valuable skin conditioner when the seeds are soaked and applied to the skin. The proteins in fenugreek are also high in lysine, tryptophan, fats, phosphorus and iron.
For this reason, fenugreek is often used to
combat anemia. The seeds also have a unique ability to bulk up when added to liquid so the tea is often drank unstrained as a remedy against constipation, urine retention and candida albicanas.
Fenugreek (Methi) is cultivated throughout the country and used as vegetable in various eatables. It is used in Europe, America and Australia as well. Fresh Methi vegetable does not contain any smell but after drying, it becomes fragrant and possesses a specific type low grade smell. Methi from Qasoor in Punjab is very famous in its fragrance throughout the country and known as Qasoori Methi.

Qasim Bin Abdul Rahman narrates that Rasool Allah (saw) stated 䥲et cure from Methi (Hulba)?Ibn-al-Qayyim

After the victory of Makkah, when Hazrat Sad Bin Abi Waqqas fell ill then Haris Bin Kaldah, a renowned and well qualified physician of that time directed to prepare 焅ariqa?for him by boiling the dates and barley gruel in the Methi water and directed that if be given to the patient luke-warmed with honey morning and evening. This recipe was presented before Nabi-e-Akram (saw). He liked that and the patient got cured. The scholars of Hadith have an opinion that figs might be used in place of dates. But both can㦙 be taken together. Another narration reveals that the recipe contained the Mulethi (Liquorrice) also.
According to the scholars of Al-Hadith the __decoction of Methi seeds is highly beneficial for sore throat, throat pain and Tonsillitis, relieves Dyspnoea (Breathlessness) and the severity of cough. It also relieves the hyper acidity and stomach burning. This action of Methi is highly significant because all the drugs used for cough produce irritation in the stomach, whereas this relieves the cough without producing irritation in the stomach and might be used safely on patients suffering from cough along with dyspepsia. It relieves the complaints associated with haemorrhoides. The decoction or the fine powder of methi seeds is an established remedy for dandruff. It tones up the hair and the hair becomes silky and shiny. Fine powder of methi seeds mixed with honey-bee wax relieves chest pain if applied locally.

The chemical composition of methi seeds depicts that it contains proteins and Amino acids in such a ratio comparable to milk. Besides phosphates, it contains an organic form of iron which is easily absorbable through gastro-intestinal tract. It contains several Alkaloids but Trigonelline is an important one. The salts relieve the inflammation of urinary tract infections. On the basis of its chemical composition, it can be used as an expectorant. In the cases of Nephritis, when dieuresis becomes least, it is a good remedy to increase dieuresis. 5gm of methi seeds powder if taken with water is highly beneficial in dysentery and diarrhoea. The lukewarm decoction of Methi seeds if taken with honey is beneficial in cough and increases urination. It is also a good appetiser and might be used in dyspepsia and anorexia. It also increases milk secretion when it is deficient.

It is a source of iron and B-complex, hence can be used in general weakness. It is also reported that continuous use of methi seeds is also significant in the treatment of haemorrhoids. The recent studies show that it is a good remedy for diabetes mellitus.

Several patients who were having raised blood glucose level and were treated with the formulation comprising methi seeds, kalonji and tukhm-e-kasni improved significantly and the blood glucose level became normal. Some patients of NIDDM were also treated with methi seeds, Berg-e-Neem and Kalonji and showed very good response. Methi seed is also useful in chronic dysentery and peptic ulcer.

Ibn al-Qayyim said: Fenugreek Has Numerous Health Benefits for the Stomach, Throat and Skin

Ibn al-Qayyim described fenugreek in his book on "The Prophetic Medicine" as a leguminous herb. He said that some of the health benefits of this plant could be gained from drinking a concoction of fenugreek seeds, which he said could help to:

Sooth a sore throat;
Clear the respiratory tract;
Help conditions like asthma, bronchitis, colic and breathing difficulties;
Ease hemorrhoids and constipation;
Relieve an stomach upset;
Strengthen the heart.
He suggested applying a hot cooked fenugreek concoction to skin eruptions and cold sores to sooth and soften them, and using it for washing hair. This is probably due to the saponin present in fenugreek, which is a naturally-occurring compound that foams when mixed with water.

Ibn al-Qayyim also recommended cooking fenugreek with dates, honey or figs and eating this on an empty stomach to dissolve phlegm and relieve a persistent cough.

What Is fenugreek?

Fenugreek (botanical name Trigonella foenum-graecum) is a plant in the family Fabaceae, and is known in Arabic as hulba, and in Urdu as methi. It is used both as a herb (the leaves) and as a spice (the seeds).

Fenugreek is rich in vitamins A and C, and iron and phosphorus. Fenugreek seeds are a rich source of the polysaccharide (a complex carbohydrate) galactomannan. They are also a source of saponins (naturally-occuring chemical compounds).

Some of the health benefits of fenugreek include:

Breast Milk: fenugreek seeds are widely used as a galactagogue (milk producing agent) by nursing mothers to increase breast milk. Studies have shown that fenugreek is a potent stimulator of breast milk production.
Cancer: in recent research, fenugreek seeds were shown to protect against cancers of the breast and colon.
Diabetes: several studies have demonstrated the anti-diabetic effects of fenugreek seeds and their improvement of most of the metabolic symptoms associated with type-1 and type-2 diabetes.
Heart Health: studies have shown that regular intake of fenugreek seeds can lower the risk of heart attack.
Tips on Using Fenugreek

Fenugreek can be used as fresh or dry leaves, or as whole or ground-up seeds to spice up food.
Fenugreek seeds can be sprouted to make a delicious, spicy salad ingredient high in vitamins A and C and amino acids.
Fenugreek is easy to grow yourself at home. The seeds should be planted in late Spring and should germinate within a week and be ready to use in 6-12 weeks.
References for further reading

Swafford S, Berens B. Effect of fenugreek on breast milk production. ABM News and Views 2000;6(3): Annual meeting abstracts Sept 11-13, 2000.
A. Amin et al. (2005). "Chemopreventive activities of Trigonella foenum graecum (fenugreek) against breast cancer". Cell Biol Int 29 (8): 68794.
E. Basch et al. (2003). "Therapeutic applications of fenugreek". Altern Med Rev 8 (1): 2027.
S. Kaviarasan et al. (2006). "Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum graecum) seed extract prevents ethanol-induced toxicity and apoptosis in Chang liver cells". Alcohol Alcohol 41 (3): 267273.
J. Raju and R.P. Bird et al. (2006). "Alleviation of hepatic steatosis accompanied by modulation of plasma and liver TNF-alpha levels by Trigonella foenum graecum (fenugreek) seeds in Zucker obese (fa/fa) rats". International Journal of obesity 30 (8): 12981307.
J. Raju et al. (2004). "Diosgenin, a steroid saponin of Trigonella foenum graecum (fenugreek), inhibits azoxymethane-induced aberrant crypt foci formation in F344 rats and induces apoptosis in HT-29 human colon cancer cells". Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 13 (8): 13921398.
K. Srinivasan et al. (2005). "Plant foods in the management of diabetes mellitus: spices as beneficial antidiabetic food adjuncts". International Journal of Food Sciences and nutrition 56 (6): 399414.
V. Thirunavukkarasu et al. (2003). "Protective effect of fenugreek (Trigonella foenum graecum) seeds in experimental ethanol toxicity". Phytother Res 17 (7): 737743. Prasanna M. Hypolipidemic effect of fenugreek: A clinical study. Indian J Phramcol 2000;32:346.
Sharma RD, Sarkar DK, Hazra B, et al. Hypolipidaemic effect of fenugreek seeds: A chronic study in non-insulin dependent diabetic patients. Phytother Res 1996;10:3324.

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  1. jazak...... hope they will work

  2. Thanks so much.
    But how can use it for sperm county as well as libidos? Please send me the recommendations thanks


  4. Fenugreek seeds contain 9% fat, 7% saturated fat, zero% cholesterol, 60 mg sodium, 770 mg potassium, 58 g carbohydrates, 25 g dietary fiber, and 100 g per 100 grams of vitamins and minerals. Gram protein is found.

    Similarly, 100 grams of fenugreek seeds contain 17% calcium, 5% vitamin C, 186% iron, 30% vitamin B6, and 47% magnesium.
    Read More Benefits of Fenugreek Seeds

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