4 ways to prepare for Ramadhan Practical advice

SalamualaykumWarahmatulahi Wabarakatuh,
4 ways to prepare for Ramadhan
Practical advice

Imagine the most beloved person to you is coming to visit you,
Imagine the greatest guest in the world is coming to you,
How would you prepare emotionally, physically, spiritually, psychologically?
How would you prepare your home?
How would you spend your time in preparation for that great guest?
So the month of Ramadhan is upon us!
And that is the most blessed of months and that is the greatest guess possibly, so Ramadhan is upon us- how do we prepare for that Ramadhan?
Here are four practical ways!
4 steps that we can take , inshaaAllah to prepare for the holy month
Step 1:
Set a very sincere intention to benefit from the month of Ramadhan, and set up a very strong intention to prepare for Ramadhan, so that when its finally here, you can take advantage of every seconds of the month. and if you set a sincere intention, know that the sincerity goes as far till it takes you in life.
Step 2:
Ask Allah(swt) though Dua to spare your life till the month of Ramadhan and throughout the month, and to benefit from every seconds of the holy month, and Remember that Prophet(SAW) made the Dua... Allahuma Baligna Ramadhan...Oh Allah, grant us the privilege to witness Ramadhan.
We know many people who were with us last year and they did not make it to this year(NNA LILLAHI WA INNA ILAIHI RAJI'UN) may Allah forgive them!
And there will be people who do not make it to the year after....
So we ask Allah (swt) to allow us to live till the month of Ramdhan and with Good health.
Step 3:
Fast some voluntary days so as to begin preparing, physically and spiritually for the month of Ramadhan and if you owe any fast from the previous year, Remember to make those up before you do any voluntary fasting.
Step: 4
Recite as much quran as possible and begin connecting to the qurran and staying in the masjeed longer than before with alots of Zikr and do listen to the divine speech of Allah (swt)
You know the more you recites the quran, the more emphasis and the more time and the more motivation and dedication you have for the quran , the more you'll taste the sweetness of Emman, the more you'll enjoy the recitation of the quran , the higher you spirituality will become and the more you'll enjoy the month of Ramdhan
Allahuma baligna ramadhan...Oh Allah, grant us the privilege to witness Ramadhan
And to use every minutes of the month as great as possible and to benefit from everything after the month of Ramadhan

Fast when you see the crescent. If it is
obscured to you, then complete thirty days of
Sha’baan. And break your fast when you see
the crescent. If it is obscured to you then
fast thirty days , trnsmtd by al-
Bukhaaree and Muslim].
Subsequently, we shall be starting our
taraaweeh prayers tomorrow (Wednesday 17
June, 2015) after the ‘Ishaa. prayer, in
preparation for the first fast of Ramadhaan
on Thursday 18 June, 2015, in shaa.-Allaah.

★For: #Zikrlah

Its "Sadqa-e-Jaaria"

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