The signs of Qiyamah - The last Hour

               The last Hour
               The signs of Qiyamah,

Signs oF Imam Al-Mahdi
Appearance of the Dajjal
Among the signs that touches me the most are;
"He said you will see many police"
"The believer will be more humiliated than the ugly goat(subhanalah!)Like nothing,"

Ibn massod said " I said to the prophet"
" Does the hour have a knowledge that you can know it by?"
Rasulullah(saw) said " Yes ,Oh Ibn massod"
And muslims have to know these signs, so they recognize them when they see them , and there are many signs
Of the signs,
*Children becomes files with Rage,
*Rain becomes burning or acidic, (Acid rain),
*you'll see evil people spreading Widely,
" Oh ibn Massod from the signs and conditions of the hour is that ,
*People will trust treacherous people,and they will consider trustworthy people treacherous,
The truthful one will be called a liar,
And the one telling a lie will be called truthful,
These are signs,
Another signs mentions is the one of the most clear Prophet miraculous Prediction,
He said that the Dishes will be communicating continuously
And the prophet (saw) used the very word that is used for satellite communications(muwasolat) and people will sever their family ties,
In other words people will stay home and watch television on Satellite dish and they won't go visit their neighbor
Walahi this is an Amazing hadith to me,
You will see hypocrites Ruling
And you will see the worst people Controlling the market places(tout),
You will have ornamental mosque but the hearts in it would be ugly, so people praying in the mosque they've done no Tazkiyah but the mosque is beautiful,
The believer will be more humiliated than the ugly goat(subhanalah!)Like nothing,
You will see homosexuality and lesbianism widespread
And the prophet (saw) said you will see young people having massive wealth (I.e Mark Zuckerberg was a multi billionaire before he was 30),
And you will see movements to corrupt the women,
You will see the destruction of civilization,
You will see the civilization of the destruction of the world
So the destruction of the world that would become the civilization(its destruction),
That musical instruments will be wide spread,
Musical instruments will be on their heads( subahanalah!
 how did he know about that?
That's what Rasulullah(saw) said , I didn't make that up
He says they will have on their heads are musical instruments
Who would have thought what that meant?
Who would have known what that meant at the time of our prophet ?(SAW)but now we see it all these people everywhere,
He said you will see many police,
And also people mocking and making fun,
Now look at all the TV shows where they have just mocked people,
You will see many children born out of wed-lock(Zinah)
Oh our country now I think its over 50%
(AMAZING ya Rasulullah *SAW) ,
The prophet (SAW) said that trials will be shown to the hearts like a mat (huuda-huuda) it has two lines , a horizontal and vertical line now think a bit what does that mean?, this is a TV set. A set its a mat
And the prophet said the trials will be shown to the hearts like a Mat and this is how satan is destroying the hearts by showing them the trials on these films ( horror, violence ) on TVs
Over and over again until people become accustomed to so a violence now in reality, its a normal thing, they're not shocked by it anymore after the cinema house ) ,
The messenger of Allah said
These are tow types of people of Hell whom I have not seen ,
You will see people with whips like cow tails, they will Hit people with it ,
Women that were clothed and naked at the same time- they'll sway in their walk and cause others to incline towards them .
Oh Allah the Prophet has spoken the truth (Sodaka Rasulu Kareem) ,
He said their hair would be like the Bactrian camels hair
This is not a camel that Arabs had , but they came from persia so they saw them, they knew what they were , these people will not enter Paradise (says" the prophet has spoken the truth"(SAW)
He said people will drink intoxicants from my Ummah and call it by other names ,right, they have lost of name for it (I.e) hennsey, mowe, baron de vall , Mckdowel , subhanalah!
I seek refuge from the accused satan

7 Signs oF Imam Al-Mahdi
According to the main signs of the majority of the muslims (and the first followers) of the force of Imam Mahdi and Prophet 'Isa(Alayhi Salam) are the following:

1. They will come from the East
2. They will be from the race of Bani Ishaw/Al-e-Haroon/Bani-Israel or nation of........ Liberated slaves(they all have thesame meaning)
3. They will come from the historical geographycal region of Ancient khorasan.
4.They will be from a mighty Warrior Nation
5. They will be from a poor Nation.
6. They are from a place with cold climate.
7. They will be from the TALIQAN (a city in Afghanistan) region.

Now which race among the muslims have all these 7 signs?
The pathans living in Afghanistan and Pakistan have all these 7 signs because:
* they live in the East.
* they are the only people among Muslims considered to be among the lost tribes of Israel I.e from Bani Israel/ Bani Ishaq/Al e Haroon/Nation of liberated slaves.
* they live in the region of Ancient Khorasan,
* they belong to a very poor nation.
* they are considered to be a fierce Warrior race.
* they are from a place with cold climate.
* they are from the Taliqan region
NB; the most important issues is not just these signs bu the fact that the people know All about it as the Holy Quran tell us(q:2v:146)

Says ; the people of the book know this as they know their sons; but some of them conceal the truth which they themseves know.
The truth is from thy lord; so be not at all doubt

The Dajjal

He will appear , then between his eyes will be written kafir
Everyone (who is ) a believer , everyone who hates his actions will able to Read it , or every believer will be able to read it,
But Ibn Taymmiyah (RA)said
" The fitnah of the Dajjal is not a limited to his time and his place and his situation and circumstance , But everyone,Anyone, who moves away from Islam. Because of something Extraordinary has been touched and inflicted by a fitnah of the Dajjal, everyone who is so impressed by the way of life of the Disbelievers and the fact that these people Prance Around the Earth with ease and their opulence and wealth and their Extravagance in their Denial of faith in Allah (swt) ,
And he use that as a course for him to tuen away and move away from Islam has been touched by a fitnah of the Dajjal , because he will come upon a people claiming to be Lord, claiming to be Allah, and he will say to the people " DO YOU BELIEVE I AM YOUR LORD?")And they will believe in him, they will say yes you are our lord, and so he will point to the sky and the rain will come and there will become big, grass will grow, the crops will grow , and they will eat and they will be wealthy and prosperous and have fruitful profit in their trade and then he will go to some people and say to them ," do you believe in me and they will refuse belief in him , and their beast of prey will die and crops will not grow , and they will Die in that satet because of the Test , because of the difficulty of remaing upon Islam even though things Become Hard .
A man will go to him, A BEDOWIN, and the Dajjal will say to him " do you see if I brought your parents back to life again, your father and your mother, would you believe that I AM YOUR LORD?"
And he will say Yes I would believe that You are my lord , and so two Shaytans will take the Appearance of his parents
And his parents will say" OUR SON, FOLLOW HIM BECAUSE HE IS YOUR LORD",
But another Man will come and he will be met by the arms and the guards of the Dajjal, and he (the man)wil say " I wanto see the one who claims to be lord " you have no permission to do that, replied the two Dajjal Army ,
But then after a while they will give him permission and he will go to the Dajjal and say" I testify that you are the one that our prophet (SAW) spoke of , the False Messiah
Dajjal will say to his army, " if I kill this person and then brought him back to life would you doubt in that matter?"
And they will say " No", and he will kill this individual between his head and his Legs, he will cut this person in two, then he will walk and then he will bring this man back together again , and this man will Raise up Alive ,
And the man will say" by Allah I have never had more conviction that you are the Dajjal , then I have right now"
And Hadith say" that the Dajjal will throw him , and it will appear that he has been thrown in the fire, but he's been thrown to Paradise.
But the thing is that muslims have to avoid him, the way that you avoid the fitnah of today isn't it? You avoid that harm
And whoever hears of the Dajjal should Distance himself from him
Because a man will to him , and he will think himself to be a Mu'min
But end up in becoming the follower of the Dajjal because of the doubts (in his mind About Islam)

Now the list below are signs that are summarized.

-People speaking ill of others ancestors
-Clothing that shows off most of the body
-No more stars in the sky
-People Dissappearing
-Tall buildings
-Appearance of Imam Mahdi. 👤
-Appearance of Dajjal.👹
-Descending of Prophet Isa (A.S.).👤
-Appearance of Yajooj Majooj👥
-The rising of the sun☀from the west after which the doors of forgiveness will be closed.
-The Dab'bat al-Ard will emerge from the ground & will mark all the true Muslims👏
-40 days of fog🌁 that will kill all the true believers so that they do not have to experience the other signs.
-A huge fire🌋will cause destruction.
-Destruction of the Kabah.
-The writing📝 in the Quran will vanish.
-The trumpet will be blown the 1st time & all animals 🐅🐉🐎& kafirs left will die & all mountains & buildings will crumble.
The 2nd time the trumpet will be blown all of Allahs creation🌐will resurrect & meet on the plains of Arafat for their judgment.
-The sun will lower itself with the earth.🌞
Now we have a baby born with one eye, check the link below

Watch "One eyed baby born in Israel" on YouTube -

A baby born in israel which looks exactly like the dajjal, Allah (s.w.t) has said in the Qur'an that a baby just like dajjal will be born in israel and that this is a sign of the day of judgement. It has also said in the Qur'an that israel will take over palestine. Allah (s.w.t) has said in the Qur'an that these are some of the signs before the day of judgement. So brothers & sisters please start changing yourself, start praying. You never know when the day of judgment will take place

On d day of judgment, Allah will call on hell fire to come out. Hell fire it's not just a pit it's a roaring beast that is held down by 70,000 chains, holding each chains is 70,000 angels. And when d hell fire comes about my friends, there is no scene on the day of judgment more terrifying than that scene. The Prophet S.A.W told Umar if u do d deeds of 70 prophets, u will still be afraid at that moment. At that moment every creation of Allah will fall to their knees, saying o Allah protect us.
Hell-fire will come in raging and roaring. Picture that moment in ur mind. It's our reality someday.

Hell Fire has different names in Islamic texts.
Each name gives a separate description. Some of its
names are:
Jaheem – fire - because of its blazing fire.
Jahannam - Hell - because of the depth of its pit.
Ladthaa - blazing fire - because of its flames.
Sa’eer - blazing flame - because it is kindled and
Saqar - because of the intensity of its heat.
Hatamah - broken pieces or debris - because it
breaks and crushes everything that is thrown into it.
Haawiyah - chasm or abyss - because the one who
is thrown into it is thrown from top to bottom

"O you who believe, save yourselves and your
families from a Fire whose fuel is men and stones
over which are (appointed) angels, stern and severe,
who flinch not (from executing) the commands they
receive from God, but do (precisely what) they are
commanded." (Quran 66:6)

Even the real old testament Bible says :

Mat 5:29 If your right eye causes you to
sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It is
better for you to lose one part of your
body than for your whole body to be
thrown into hell.
Be My witness Oh Allah That I have conveyed the message!!!
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