Lowering Your Gaze

Today a woman has been reduce to basically and object of sex, an object of attraction for all the male, by filling their eyes, so when they see the naked women on the street, they don't appreciate their own wife(Subhanalah!)
Because you have seen much better than her .
Now to the brother, what's does Islam says , in
Deliberately looking at a non-mahram woman Allah says (interpretation of the meaning): “Tell the believing men to lower their gaze (from looking at forbidden things), and to protect their private parts (from illegal sexual acts, etc.). That is purer for them. Verily, Allah is All-Aware of what they do.” [al-Noor 24:30] The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "The adultery of the eyes is by looking" (i.e. by looking at what Allah has forbidden). (Reported by al-Bukhaari, see Fath al-Baari, 11/26). Looking for a legitimate purpose is exempted from this rule, such as looking at a woman for marriage purposes, or a doctor examining a patient for medical reasons, etc. Women are equally forbidden to look at non-mahram men, as Allah says (interpretation of the meaning): “And tell the believing women to lower their gaze (from looking at forbidden things) and to protect their private parts (from illegal sexual acts, etc.) . . .” [al-Noor 24:31] Men are also forbidden to look with desire at a man with a hairless or beautiful face. Men are forbidden to look at the „awrah of other men, and women are forbidden to look at the „awrah of other women. If it is forbidden to look at something, it is forbidden to touch it, even over clothing. One of the ways in which Shaytaan deceives people is by making them think that there is nothing wrong with looking at pictures in magazines or watching movies, because what is seen is not “real,” even though such images clearly cause so much damage by provoking desires.
Seeing one‟s womenfolk behaving in an immoral fashion and keeping silent
Ibn „Umar (may Allah be pleased with him and his father) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “There are three whom Allah will deprive of Paradise: the one who drinks intoxicants, the one who is disobedient to his parents, and the one who accepts immoral conduct on the part of his family.” (Reported by Imaam Ahmad, 2/69; see also Saheeh

al-Jaami‟, 3047). One of the many examples of this in modern times is men turning a blind eye to their daughters or wives contacting non-mahram men and chatting to them in a way that may be described as “romantic,” or accepting one of the women of his household being alone with a non-mahram man, or allowing them to sit alone with a driver or other employee, or letting them go out without proper hijaab, so that everyone may look at them, or bringing home immoral magazines and movies.

Women walking naked isn't an excuse for you not to lower your gaze, so even if they are doing that, just lower your gaze, very simple,
So when you speak to a woman , you should look down and speak to her with respect ,
There was a story told by Mufty Menk in one of his lecture on YouTube
He said one of the scholars said, In the united state
A religious preacher entered a lift ( not much old, a young man)and when he was in the lift , the lift stopped in the second floor and a female entered it, she was a youth also, and the young man was looking down and didn't even make a single attempt to look at her ,and the young lady was agitated, felt irritated, that for the very first time in her life, somebody is not looking, and she started stamping with her legs , shaking, doing all the trick, just for the man to read her gesture , and the two of them were in the lift, so after she make all the silent noise and everything she could to catch the young man attention, all went disappointed , the young man was still looking down and didn't even say a word, so the lift stopped, the young man came down and the lady wanted to go higher floor so when the man came out she quickly came behind him so she came back behind and she created a conversation said to the young man
" Hey , you know what? Am very offended, "
" Am I so bad, dirty,so ugly that u couldn't even look?"
Frankly she's was honest, because this is how women have been trained , that they need to be attracted to the men at large,
So the lady asked again
" Am I so bad, dirty,so ugly that u couldn't even look?"
The young man replied
" You know what? I am a muslim and I respect you so much really and I have a wife and I wouldn't want to insult myself and yourself by starring at you and what I'm a I going to gain by looking?"
The young man explained to her in a beautiful way
So the lady replied " May I have your number?"
And respectfully the young Muslim man agreed, felt that he will get some people in touch with the lady to explain to her much better,
And after sometimes
The young lady Ended up accepted Islam
And she says " Islam has liberated me from being a person who cannot leave the whole withought putting on different kind of designer clothes," I just put on a Simple cloth and walk out"
Allahu Akbar.....Oh Allah guide me and the rest of entire muslim to the right path
Ya ALLAH ! Help protect and strengthen Muslim Brothers and sisters all around the world.... Ya ALLAH! Weaken and destroy the kafirs who attacks muslims..! Ya ALLAH ! Pardon us and grant us forgiveness. Have mercy on us. You are our Mawla (Supporter and Protector) and give us victory over the disbelieving people !!(Ameen)
★For: #Zikrlah

Its "Sadqa-e-Jaaria"

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