The Door to Forgiveness is Always Open

In the name of Allah. The most compassionate , the Most merciful,
All praise are due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, The creator of the Heaven and Heart,The creator of You and I,
And Allah's Peace And blessings be upon his most Honest Messenger

Dear Muslims,
I want all of you all to please put down our minds for some seconds,
Now you're walking down your street and you're walking down, you're going to you home to relax,
You're going to be with family , but there are certain people in your family that you're probably (you know whatever) somehow not be happy with ,
But you're coming home and as you're coming towards your house , you see An Ambulance outside your house , there's a crowd , your neighbors are outside , people in your locality are all outside watching, so you start to jog , you're thinking "where is this?"Because its right in front of your house and you can clearly see a stretcher coming out of your house,
The hospital people bringing a stretcher outside your house and you go to that and you look at that and you've only got a seconds to see that person in your family whom you had Grudges with is on that stretcher, now let's think , you see that the end, that's it they've passed away, they're gone , whatever it was, they're gone yeah they are Dead, they exist no more ,
You Grudges, everything have gone , you must be thinking about something.......are you thinking of the Grudges that you had Had right? So
If it was your mother
If it was your father,
If it was your sister,
Your husband,
Your wife
If it was someone that you had had grudges with and that person have just passed away (that's person is dead)!
And you never ever Got the chance to talk about your problem to them, never got a chance to get them forgiveness or to forgive them , let's us be sincere, would you feel happy right now? Yes or No, everyone will probably say No ,
Now I want you all to do one thing to your;
your sister,
 your bother ,
your sibling ,
your child,
your parent, whoever they are , tomorrow they could be dead , tomorrow literally they could be dead
So I want you to do just one thing
Go home right now brothers and sisters go home , go meet them, you see it doesn't matter what grudges you've got, I want you to go first to your own blood, your family member, I want you to go home straight away, say Salam to them and give them a HUG yes give them a HUG,
They're going to be surprised "why. Are you giving me a hug ?", now do it again
Now sit them down and say" if I die right now , or if you died right now, how will we feel about each other? " And try and make it really work , how are you going to try and make it work, is that you are going to show love , don't talk about them not showing you love ,
You wouldn't want to wait until the day of judgment ,
Some people think that " if I wait until the day of judgment I'm going to get more ( to be judged right)"NO!!!
NO, NO,NO, I tell you,
If you can get your forgiveness in this world or you can forgive them in this world , you already got more than waiting to be judged on judgment day subhanalah!
That clear in hadith , if you wait until the day of judgment , yes you can sort it out there and can wait until Allah (swt)gives you certain reward from them , you can wait then,
But the reward you will get , the greatest Jannah that will get ,that Allah has written for you is from forgiveness in this world , so if you can do that right now
And hasten to forgiveness from your lord and a garden as wide as the heaven and earth , prepared for the Righteous
Who spend on the cause of Allah During ease and Hardship
And who restrain anger and who pardon. The people and Allah loveth the Doers of Good.
My Dear Respected Brothers and Sister,

 The messenger of Allah (upon him be peace) Said:
"A man may be deprived of provision by a sin that he commits".(Oh Allah) the Doors of provision in the heaven are opened , you find that Allah the Almighty provides for you and I with well -being from a door, provides with the provision from another door, provides you with the money from a door, provides you with the Health, provides you with the guidance,provides you with the honoring of boys, the honoring of girls, the honoring of children,provides you with upholding the ties of kinship, provides you with repentance from another door, provides you with the guidance from a door, provides you with the productivity and blessing and so see, when you commit a sin , a sin you consider it very small , but this sin closes a door right now as you commit more sin, and you then commit another sin and it closes another door and so on.......Dear fellow muslims, we Worship our God At-Tawab"the guide to Repentance", At-Tawab" the guide to repentance" , Ar -Raheem"the All Merciful"Al-Ghafar"the Forgiver" Al-Ghafoor " the forgiver and hider of faults" Al-ghaffar "the Forgiving"the Exalted and Glorified
Allah says in his book in Surah and Nisa' (the women) Chapter 4 verse 27 "
Allah want to accept your Repentance, but those who follow (their) Passions want you to Digress (into) a great deviation.
Allah loves repentance from his slaves , Allah loves your Repentance to Him, to turn over a new leaf with Him , All paradise Doors are closed all the year Except one Door that won't be closed , it is the widest Door , the most beautiful door, the greatest Door, repentance to him, the Exalted and the Glorified, The Repentance and what will make you know what the Repentance Protector pious modesty and continually crying in Regret for what Has been missed , Receiving what is coming , taking off the Estrangement clothes and wearing the fulfillment clothes , Repentance to Allah . It is the thing that Allah really loves,
Calls his slave and say : but indeed, I am the Perpetual Forgiver of Whoever Repent and Believes and does Righteousness and then continues in guidance.(Oh Allah ) in surah Nisa' "(Women)", Allah opens a great Door for hopefulness for you "male " , for you "female" and for me and for all human beings especially for all the one who is reading this post , I Say to you that Allah says: And whoever Does a wrong or wrongs himself but then seeks forgiveness of Allah , will find Allah forgiveness and Merciful. (Oh Allah) He is Allah , He is Allah. Who accepts repentance. Allah the Almighty , Allah calls in the greatest verse according to most of the scholars of The hopefulness verse , the greatest verse in the hopefulness in opening the Door of repentance, beware my brothers,!!!beware my sisters!!, oh muslims, do not think that Allah will not forgive you , NO, whatever your sins are , whatever sins you have committed, Allah is Ghafoor " Forgiver and hider of faults" Allah is ghafar "the Forgiving ", He is forgiving, the forgiver of Sin, Acceptor of repentance ,Allah says and call you " O Slave" (Who is) owned for Allah the exalted, Allah calls you and say "O My slaves who have transgressed against themselves (by committing evil deeds and sins)!  Despair not of the Mercy of God: verily, God forgives all sins. Truly He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” (Quran 39:53)" And he says to you, to me, and to you , you and to all the human beings , and return ( in repentance) to your lord and Submit to him!
Return, turn over a new leaf., Don't think if you repent you will not commit sins forever ,Repent and you will commit sins, then return and repent. And you will commit sins again , then return and repent and you will make mistakes , you see paradise is for Awabeen " the often Returning" Awab " the Often returning".

 Whoever commits a sin , reverse and repent

Allah the Almighty says: and paradise will be brought near to the righteousness, not far, (it will be said) , " this is what you were promised- for every returner ( to Allah) and keeper (of his covenant) who feared the most merciful unseen and came with heart returning ( in Repentance). And I say. Oh who read this, or who dismiss, then transgresses , then commit Sins , then cease ,then refrain then left these bunch of sins, Rejoice !!!
Rejoice with the saying of Allah in his revelation, if they cease, what has previously occurred will be forgiven for them ,
Oh Allah forgive us all and accept our repentance. And have mercy upon us in your mercy
He is our creator
God did not create humankind for any purpose other than to worship Him.  However being human makes us frail and forgetful while at the same time our humanity often causes us to become full of our own importance; proud and arrogant.  Arrogance in turn often causes us to commit sins, and our forgetfulness often causes us to make mistakes that can easily lead to sinful behavior.
God knows us well, He is our Creator.  He has not abandoned us to our own imperfect nature; He has provided us with innumerable opportunities to turn to Him for forgiveness.

In fact God loves that we feel remorse, and turn to Him seeking His forgiveness and comfort. Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, said to his companions, and to all those who follow them in righteousness,  “If you did not commit sins, God would replace you with other people  who would commit sins, and  ask for God's forgiveness, and He would forgive them.” [1]  This is not an encouragement to sin, but demonstrates the infinite Mercy of God.

God, in His infinite wisdom has made seeking forgiveness easy. If we were not able to seek and obtain God’s forgiveness we would indeed be miserable people, full of despair and self-loathing. It is for this reason that there are no transgressions too big or sins too small that God will not forgive. All sins are forgivable and the door to forgiveness is wide open almost until the Day of Judgment is upon us.

“And turn in repentance and in obedience with true Faith to your Lord and submit to Him, before the torment comes upon you, then you will not be helped.” (Quran 39:54)

When God sees the sincere repentance from one of the believers – a person who truly turns God with both fear and hope – He not only forgives the sin, but He replaces the sins with rewardable good deeds. This is from God’s infinite mercy.

“Except those who repent and believe and do righteous deeds; for those, God will change their sins into good deeds, and God is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” (Quran 25:70)

God also forgives us our sins through the difficulties that we face in our lives. When we are stricken with illness or suffering from unfavourable circumstances, we will earn forgiveness if we bear our difficulties patiently, all the time seeking a reward from God
Oh Allah, please do forgives any one who read and follow this piece of Reminder, and anyone who shares it and anyone who Rebroadcast it
Oh allah , forgive us all our sins, the small and the great one , the tiny and the big, great ones and insignificant Oh Allah , include us among repentance, and include us among who are constantly repentance and answer our supplication. And who say " Ameen"
★For: #Zikrlah

Its "Sadqa-e-Jaaria"

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