the invitation isn't closed!

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The invitation door is not closed even to the Disbelievers!
Saudi student Hashim al-Faleh, Performed Soujoud Thanking Allah!, after receiving third place in physics in front of thousands of foreign students in the competition (Intel Aesf 2012) which was held in America!! Masha Allah! !

You know there's one thing true about University students or polytechnic or college students,
And even graduates, they're used to be very proud of their colleges,
Whatever college you go to , you may hate it right now , but when you graduate and you get a diploma, you're going to put it on the wall, you gonna be proud that you graduated from the college,
You gonna fell like a sense of accomplishment and prestige,that's why the graduation ceremony is a ceremony where you are honored, even in islamic studies, when you get an Ijaza in tajwed, you're very proud that you got your Ijaza from this Sheikh, or that sheikh right?because its a matter of Prestige ,when people in the US go to Harvard , or they go to colombia, or they go to NYU, they got to these elite schools, they are very proud that they went to these colleges, people are proud to have a certain Shikh as a teacher , they are proud of that, its a matter of honor,
When Allah (swt) says " he taught the quran) surah Ar-Rahman) who is the teacher ?
Allah(swt) Is , and He's the teacher , what does that make you and me ?
Student, how honored are you and me that our teacher is Allah?
Our teacher is Allah and he didn't even say ( He taught people the quran) or ( he taught you the Quran) or he taught the messenger the Quran)
He said ( he taught the qur'an) and who did he teach?
He didn't even limit it , so the invitation is wide open for anybody who wants to learn , Anybody who wants to learn , come on and learn , Allah(swt) Did not close that door,
You see , if you are 50 years in the audience and you don't know how to read the Quran It is OK , start now
Don't be Ashamed , just start now , start from a little bit.
To the Brothers and sisters in our community , when somebody come to you at the masjeed
Or somebody comes to you privately and says look, I'm a Professional , I'm an accountant
I'm a doctor,
I'm a dentist
I'm an engineer
But I don't know anything about the quran, I can't even read it, the last time I read it I was 8 years old
Brothers and sisters in islam, don't be angry at them and say Astagfiru llah, how could you do that? don't do that man!
They came to you ,
Respect those people , honore those people
Maybe Allah (swt) sees them a more valuable than what you have been doing,
They have made the intention to come, they prepared their mind
They have strive for the sake of Allah, they have made hijra to Allah , they steeped on their pride ,
They are professionals in their field, but they admitted their ignorance of this infront of someone else
That's humility before Allah, and allah(swt) love humility
I n a. h a d i t h , R a s u l u l l a h
(Sallallahu ‘alayhi wa Sallam) said
‘‘Tholabul ilmi faridhotun ’ala kulli
muslimin’’ meaning_ seeking knowledge is
an obligation for every Muslim

We have to honore , we have to invite those people , make them feel welcome , this is what we have to do, and our muslim society is like that , not all of us are literate in the quran, not everybody knows what the quran means , not everybody know how to recite the quran or even know how to memorisze it,
Well you know what?
Its is you and I job to make the Deen inviting for everybody else,
Don't be angry at those people that don't pray , care for them, if you don't care about them you will never bring them to this Deen, you will never bring new people to Islam , coz you cannot be Da'is if you don't care about people ,
You have to care about society ,
Don't just drive by the neighborhoods that have bar and a club and move theatre, and you just go away from them and say " Astagfiru-Allah" you have to care about your country , those are your people. You have to care about them, you have to invite them , maybe one of your friends is going there, you say ". Hey bro let's go play football"," let's go to masjeed and hangout"" let's. Go eat some meatpie"
let's do something else to get them in, you have to do that, stop being angry at the people that are not in the masjeed,
They are also our people, they also are ummah, they are just a lost sheep of LA ILAH ILALLAH,that's who they are, allah did not close the invitation even to the worsest Disbelievers?
How can we close the invitation for our fellow muslim brothers and sisters, how can we do that? How can those sisters that are wearing hijab look,to look them with hateful eye at the woman that doesn't wear Hijab?
You know may be she doesn't wear hijab because nobody taught her, maybe she doesn't know why she should wear it, may be she asked her parents "why should I wear hijab?" And they didn't know how to answer her , and its a fear Question, it Deserves An Answer ,
Maybe they weren't able to answer ,and she says maybe there's no reason to do it " I don't have a good enough reason " maybe she needs somebody to Actually talk to her , and respected her, and treated her like a dignified human being she would change her mind , you don't know that ,
So my brothers and sisters, we need to have that Altitude and concern
Wallahi this is the Sunnah of our Messanger (SAW)
To teach the quran with love , even to those who hate it

(Hadith riwayah Ibnu Majah).
‘‘We have knowledge; it is up to
us to use it according to the current
situation and ‘hukum Islam’
(Syariah) in our lives. All of us have
potential. It is up to us to uncover
it,’’ he added.
In addition to caring for one’s
physical being, the head of the unit
said we also need to care for our
spiritual being.
‘‘Do not let our jiwa (soul) be
deprived of religious values. Do not
let our jiwa be hungry. Fill them
with zikir to Allah (SWT). Ibadah is
not just performing solat (prayers)
or (fasting). Everything good
that we do is ibadah as long as it
does not contradict with Islam,‘‘
he said.
It is narrated on the authority of
Abu Huraira that the Messenger of
Allah (Sallallahu ‘alayhi wa Sallam)
said: ‘‘Faith has over seventy
branches or over sixty branches,
the most excellent of which is the
declaration that there is no God but
Allah, and the humblest of which is
the, removal of what is injurious
from the path: and modesty is the
branch of faith.’’ (Sahih Hadith
So •► "Spend your youth in the obedience of Allah... for you will not get a second chance !!!"
★For: #Zikrlah

Its "Sadqa-e-Jaaria"

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