Jannah Tiding

Jannah tiding

A Husband said this to his wife;
If Jannah was a flower I would pick it for you,

if Jannah was a bird I would catch it for you,
If Jannah was a house i'd build it for you, but since Jannah is a place no eye has ever seen, I make Dua to Allah to reserve it for you
  You know Your Husband Is Your Paradise & Your Hell !

A woman came to ask the Prophet (peace be upon him) about some matter, and when he had dealt with it, he asked her, "Do you have a husband?" She said, "Yes." He asked her, "How are you with him?" She said, "I never fall short in my duties, except for that which is beyond me." He said, "Pay attention to how you treat him, for he is your Paradise and your Hell."

(Ahmad, al-Nisa'i Al-Targhib wa'l-Tarhib, 3/52) —

Our Prophet Muhammed (saw) told us that there will be no children in paradise,
But wait a minute , and that's because all the children whether they die , whether they are killed whether they are starved by disease. In paradise on the day of judgment no children will be judged because children in islam are considered innocent
So in paradise , the prophet (saw) told us that all the inhabitants of paradise will be 33 years -old and they will never get any older , so if a six (6) years-old child wants to know what paradise would be like , we thinks that if God Almighty cause you to grow in faith That you will be in paradise but in case you don't get to grow , if you don't get to become an older or an adult person , when you get to paradise you also will be just 33 years old .......the Quraan mentions that in paradise there will be
No sweat,
No bad smells,
Nobody has to take a bath,
Nobody gets older ,
Nobody gets tired, there is no wounding, there is no bad words, nobody has to work, there is no Labour nobody has to pay for anything, everybody has their own palace, A palace in Paradise , everybody has their own palace ( A palace in Paradise)
It might be 5 or 10 times the size of Wembley stadium , everybody will have one of those ,
Everybody will have beautiful clothing
Everybody will sit on brocade couches
With pearl and diamonds encrusted everybody will have the food that they like to eat withought having to cook it , fruit will grow inside your garden that you just call the fruit and it bends down and gives itself to you ...
Everybody will be served ,
Nobody will have to cook or get up and clean and wash and do dishes, everybody will be served ,
Paradise means....everything in life that you ever imagined that you ever wanted , you will have it there , but on the highest level and the best thing of all is that Nobody in paradise will Die, everybody will live forever and the words will be peace.

So let's talk about our Jannah wife
When you look up at the sky: there will be lightning in the sky .
So you will ask your angels, " Oh angels what is this lightning in the sky?' So the angels will say. " Don't you know?"
" No I don't . What is it?"
" It is your wives in jannah that are smiling" (subhanalah!)
And as they smile it causes lightning in the sky. (An authentic hadith in musnad imam Ahmed of the women in jannah)
When they smile it causes lightning in the sky .
Ibn Qayyim( Rahimahullah) also talks about the hoorul lyn and the women of Jannah.
He talks about Hoorul Iyn and he says, " if the hoorul thin, if the women of this world can be so beautiful made from clay , Imagine the essence of the Hoorul Iyn, when their essence is Saffron. They're made from saffron. They are not made from dirt. and if women can be beautiful made from dirt. Then imagine the essence of the women when they are made from saffron(Oh subhanalah).
Ibn Qayyim (Rahimahullah) mentions how you can see the nerves legs because it is so amazing
He talks about their body, he talks about their beauty, he talks about their rhythm, he talks about them singing to their husbands, talks about how beautiful they are and how amazing they are .
And the fragrance that they have ,
He talks about the energy Allah will give you to sleep with your wives,
He talks about how there is no sleep in jannah at all .
He talks about how there is no beared in jannah
He talks about how women will have no hijab in jannah.
So hijab is only for this Duniya( this world),
In the Authentic narration, Aisha (R.A) had a group of women who were passing by who had beautified themselves excessively ,
And when she passed by in front of them., Aisha (R.A) was covered up completely in black .she looked at them and said " Enjoy it in this world for it is for you in this world, for us in the hereafter", (Allahu Akbar)!!
Look at the conviction of a Ritheous woman
So for those sisters who are varried of them having to cover in this world. Then preserve yourself in this Duniya.
For you is beautiful existence in the hereafter!
So when a husband has his wives from the hoorul Iyn, Ibn Qayyim(Rahimahullahu) mentions in the Authentic hadith in musnad Imam ahmad, that at that point another woman will come .
A woman will come whose beauty and her amazingness will make the king (who is her man) forget the other girls,
Who is this Woman?
This woman is the woman of this Duniya. His wife in this world.
So his wife in this world will be the princess of the hoorul Iyn..
And ibn qayyim says. " Does the king ever think about his servants in the presence of the princess?"
So his wives in this world will be given far more beauty ,
Then he explains why?
He says the hoorul iyn never ever went through the difficulties the women of this world went through .
They never ever struggled in the course of Allah.
They never had a slander against them because of wearing the Hijab .
They never went though the Difficulty of being obedient to their Husbands,
So why should they not be more beautiful than the hoorul Iyn? (So Amazing Wallahi)!
So the king (the Jannah husband) is walking up and he goes next to his palace and then he just cannot move .....
And he sees his wife, whether its his wife from jannah or his wife from duniya, he will just see her face and freeze in his tracks, and he will just sit there contemplating at her beauty,
A beauty that is ..... We are incapable of descring in worldly terms,
Allah (SWT) says about them ,
" Companions of Equal Age"
And Allah says. We have created their Companions of special creation"
" And made them Virgin, pure and Undefiled"
" Beloved by nature , equal in age"
Their beauty is so much that is is said by one of the scholars who wrote About jannah, that this man will stand there and stare at her for forty years, just Contemplating at her beauty,
And these woman of jannah are not beautiful because they were voted in by a panel of men at a beauty contest, they are beautiful because Allah (SWT) has said that they are beautiful, and its enough for us to know that Allah (SWT) has said that they are beautiful,
Allah (SWT) says," in them will be fair companions Good and beautiful"
So its enough that Allah (SWT) says she's beautiful then it will really be beautiful,
This beauty of the wives of jannah , which Allah (SWT) described in the Quran,
Rasulullah (SAW) says to bring this point little bit closer to our understanding, He says in Al-Bukhari, in this hadith Narrated by Anas Ibn Malik....... " If one of the woman of jannah would just appear to the people of this world"
" The Distance between the Heaven and the Earth woul be filled with light"
" And her scent will cover the whole distance "
" And the scarf that she has on her head is better than the world and everything in it"
Here we have a Woman , A woman of jannah and she at a distance which is much further than the sun, nevertheles her light will fill the whole distance between the heaven and Earth, and her scent will also be smelt by the people of Duniya even though she is in jannah ,
And then Rasulullah (SAW) said that the scarf she has on her head is better than the world and everything in it,
This piece of Cloth....a piepce of Cloth that is better than the whole world and everything in it .
And Rasulullah (SAW) says in another Hadith that the Woman of Jannah would be so beautiful...that you will be able to see the narrow bone from behind the clothes,
And I keep on thinking about how this is possible and how this can be a sign of beauty and its quits Difficult to imagine, but keep in mind that Rasulullah (SAW) has seen this and he is trying to convey it to us , but because our minds are unable to grasp this piece of understanding of different Dimension of Jannah it is An Approximation,
No matter how Hard you try to Imagine What it is in Jannah,
It will always Be a fraction of the Real thing.  
Rasulullah(saw) said
"Jannah is of one hundred degrees, between two degrees (is) like the distance between the heavens and the earth" then he said:
" The Best of them is a place called Al-firdaous, and that's the most luxurious, and most beautiful and fascinating place in all of Jannah(paradise)
The Roof of it is Allah' throne, from it the rivers from Jannah start to flow"
And he said; " And if you were to ever ask to Allah , then ask for Jannahtul Firdaous".
May Allah make me and you amongst them.
Be My witness Oh Allah That I have conveyed the message!!!

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