Five Missed Calls From Allah

Among the marvels of modern technology is also the ability to track the missed calls which were made by our friends and foes and the likes.

We do not get a good night's sleep, unless we have returned the calls of those who matter.

We don't let any call go unanswered as long as we know that it matters.
Don't we?

But how about the calls of "hay-yaa al-as-salaah and hay-yaa al-al falah" made from the neighborhood house of our master, the Almighty Allah.?

Those calls are made five times a day and many a times they all go unanswered.

We do not either respond!!! Nor do we respect these missed calls. Do they matter?

Everybody can tell, if these really matter. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but surely in the hereafter.

Let us look at ourselves. Can we afford to let these calls of the muazzin be missed, day after day, after day.

The call from our cherisher, sustainer and the ultimate master.
Just think about it.

Next time one hears this call, just ask yourself how good a night's sleep can I have by missing those calls from the house of Allah.

Think about it the answer may come from the inner heart Because Our problem will not be solved, our worries will not be removed,our situation will not change,
Except if we persevere our solah,our daily prayers
what is this life?

Wallahi the situation of a person will not be on the right course unless he perseveres his prayers ,
Wallahi you will not get closer to Allah by a deed much more beloved by him than the daily prayers

the Prophet (peace be upon him said
"Take on only as much as you can do of Good Deeds, for the Best of deeds is the daily prayers"
Wallah No fasting, No pilgrimage, No charity for any sort of Good Deeds will Benefit you unless your daily prayers are correct,
the first thing the servant will be asked on the day of resurrection is about his daily prayers,if its correct and sound Allah will continue to look into his book of deeds and if its not and we will regard what they have done of deeds and make them as Dust dispersed"

when Allah (swt) revealed the verse to the prophet (saw)
"But there came after them successor who neglected prayers and pursued desires; so they are going to meet evil"(Qur: 19vs 59)
The Prophet (saw) while he was crying said
"O gabriel, will My followers neglect their prayers?
"O gabriel, will My followers neglect their prayers?
Gabriel Replied "Yes O messenger of Allah in the end times a large Group of your nation will neglect the prayers, till the time for the prayers has expired and these follow their lusts/lowly desires,
thus the prayers had been neglected and the prohibited thing had been committed

O muslim!!!
How will we grow in virtue and how will Our community be raised up on virtue and of Good morals if the prayers are not preserved?
Don't the prayers Prohibit us Immorality and Wrongdoings?
Don't the prayers Prohibit us Immorality and Wrongdoings?

One Godly command is sufficient and to know the great position of the prayer in the sight of Allah, our Creator, Our maker.
Isn't Enough for you that the prayers was enjoined from above the Heavens?
Isn't Enough for you and i to know the position of the prayers and its Great Status in the sight of Allah was enjoined from Above the seven Heavens?

He ordered His Prophet (upon him be peace)
fifty prayers at first then the number was reduced to five, But the Reward of fifty Remained, O my fellow Muslims, our Five Daily prayers is equivalent to fifty prayers of Reward and yet we still neglect our solah?
The Prayer is a light and how can you walk in darkness?
Many complain about the worries and the desires they’re feeling, there cure is to join the Rows with the observers of prayer
The youth of today faces tragedies everywhere and their cure .....enter the house of most merciful; ...join the rows of the worshipers
Do they not think that they will be resurrected? (qur: 93vs 45,Al Mutafiffin)

Wallahi if the heart are still alive , it would be torn of pain out of loss, But it is Drunk with the love of its worldly life and it will wake up after some times
so when will you join the rows with the observers of prayers?
and to be amongst those who are consistent in their prayers and among those who carefully maintain their prayers?

Dear brothers and Sisters, when will you be on the right course? the right path that you have been praying for?

and when will you know that the Greatest matters of Religion after tawheed(the oneness of God) is to maintain the prayers and Hasten to masjids, and to attend takbirat Al-Ihraam.

five daily prayers, whoever takes care and observes the solah when the Adhan is called for them will act for him as a light and proof in the day of resurrection
and whoever lost it, let him blame no one but himself
A man asked the prophet (saw)
"what kinds of deeds are best in the sight of Allah?" He (saw) replied
"To pray on time"(saheehBukhari)

the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, “The covenant that stands between us and them is prayer; whoever does not pray is a kaafir (disbeliever).” (Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 2621; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Tirmidhi, 2113)

 And he (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Between a man and shirk (polytheism) and kufr stands his giving up prayer.” (Narrated by Muslim, 82).

The Punishments of the one who doesn't pray.

The Prophet peace be upon him narrated: "Whoever shows heedlessness (negligence) in praying salat, Allah punishes them with fifteen kinds of punishments"

Six punishments in this lifetime.
Three punishments while dying.
Three punishments in the grave.
Three punishments on the day of Judgment.

Six punishments in this lifetime:
1 - Allah takes away blessings from his age,(makes his life misfortunate)
2 - Allah wipes out the virtues of righteous people from his face.
3 - Allah does not accept his Dua's.
4- He will be detested by all creatures on Earth.
5 - Allah does not award him for his good deeds.
6 - He will not be included in the prayer & Dua's of the righteous.
(good people)

Three punishments while dying.
1- He dies humiliated.
2-He dies hungry.
3- He dies thirsty.
Even if he drinks the water of all the seas, he will still be thirsty.

Three punishments in the grave.
1- Allah tightens his grave until his chest, ribs come over each other.
2- Allah pours on him fire with embers (red colour, hot coal made of immensely heated firewood).
3- Allah sets on him a snake called "The Brave" "The Bold" which rolls all around his body & crushes him.

Three punishments on the day of Judgment.
1- He will be dragged face down over hot burning coal to the hell fire.
2- Allah gives him an angry look that makes the flesh of his face fall down
3- Allah judges him strictly and orders him to be thrown in hell.

Those who do not offer their prayers of:

The glow of their face is taken away.

The blessing of their income is taken away (even if he has millions, he will be poor).

There is no strength in their body.

They are not benefited by their children.

The peace of their sleep is taken away

The person who listens to music during the Adhan will be unable to recite the Shahadah while dying..........
O Allah, gladden the people of the graves,
O Allah, enrich every poor person,
O Allah, satisfy every hungry one,
O Allah, clothe every unclothed one,
O Allah, help every debtor pay his debts,
O Allah, relieve every distressed one,
O Allah, return every traveler (to his home),
O Allah release every prisoner,
O Allah, correct every wrong in the affairs of the Muslims,
O Allah, cure every sick one,
O Allah, ease our poverty by Your wealth,
O Allah, change our evil state to a good one through Your excellent state,
O Allah, relieve us of our debts, and help us against poverty, Surely You have power over all things.
And that we ask Allah SubhanahuWata'la to guide and protect us all
Subhaanaka Allaahumma wa bihamdika, 'ash-hadu 'an laa 'ilaaha 'illaa 'Anta, 'astaghfiruka wa 'atoobu 'ilayka.

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