A Productive muslim*2

Wallahi, there are so many people whose lives have been changed because of only one verse of the Quran or only one hadith,
there were thieves, robbers, tyrants ,bullies ,evil people and only one verse of the Quran made them changed their life and

some went onto become imams such as imam ibn malik ibn dinar(may Allah have mercy on him).
there were evil doers, alcoholics ,and only one hadith made them change their life completely,
there was an incident which imam Ibn Qudamah al- Maqdisi(may Allah have mercy on him) mentions in his Kitaab,Al-Tawwabeen.

there was an alcoholic who was so much addicted to alcohol and he use to remain excessively drunk, this young person’s name

was Abdullah Ibn Maslamah Al-Qanabi
upon occasion, Abdullah Ibn Maslamah Al-Qanabi was with his fellow drunkards drinking alcohol and in front of him was a rush,

he saw a large number of people gathering around someone and this someone was seated on his donkey,
so Abdullah was curious and wanted to know who this someone was, and why everyone crowding around this individual,
so he went to the crowd with a bottle of alcohol in his hand and asked the people that were surrounding this someone on the

donkey, he asked " who is this?", so the people replied "this is a very famous Imam", so Abdullah asked "what's the Imam

name?", so the people replied "Imam Shubat Ibn Hajjaj"
and Abdullah said "Ok, what does he do?", so the people said " is a Muhaddith"
so Abdullah asked " what's a muhaddith?"
so they replied , a muhaddith is a person that narrates, memories, teaches and act upon the Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad(saw),
thereafter, Imam Shubah was siting on his donkey and Abdullah goes up to meet Imam Shubah
and tells him " if you are a muhaadith tell me, narrates to me one Hadith"
so imam Shubah,Beign an Imam, so he quickly read the situation of Abdullah and saw that he was holding a bottle of alcohol in his hand,
so Imam Shubah narrated a Hadith to him according to the situation
the translation of the hadith is the Prophet Muhammad (saw) said " if a person is shameless, he will do whatever he wants"
if a person is shameless, he will do whatever he wants, SuhanAllah, we hear this hadith many times, has it ever had an or
any effect on us?
when Abdullah Ibn Maslamah al- Qanabi heard this hadith , the bottle of the alcohol fell from his hand
and he said did the Prophet Muhammad (saw) say this?
that " if you have no shame then do whatever you wants"
he started asking himself." Am i a shameless person?"
this hadith penetrated Abdullah's heart,
he went home, and he stayed some days in his room crying, thinking, “what have i done with my life until now?"
 "I kept on drinking alcohol, disobeying Allah"
so he repented to Allah (swt)
so he came out of his room and told his mother......
 " I am leaving this country, i asked the scholars, the Ulama that i want to acquire the knowledge of Islam"
"I want to be like Imam Shubah, he is a muhaddith, why am i not a muhaddith?"
" if Imam Shubah can be a Muhaddith, so can i"
O brothers and sisters in Islam, just stop a while and look at this drunkard who has been drinking throughout his life, now

he wants to be a muhaddith, he doesn’t just wants to repent and live with his repentance, No!
he also want to do amal,(Good deeds) he also wants to do actions and also wants to become a muhaddith,(subhanAllah)
so he went on to asked the scholars, they said " go to madinah"
Imam Malik is one of the greatest Imams of his time, if you become his student then you can become a muaddith,
so Abdullah travelled, he was from Basra, Abdullah travelled from Basra to Madinah and he goes towards Imam Malik and he

become one of the greatest students of Imam Malik
my brothers and sisters in Islam,
Abdullah not only became best student of Imam Malik,
we know that the most authentic book after Qur'an is Bukhari and Muslim
Abdullah , formally drunkard who repented on hearing a single piece of hadith of Rasulullah (saw) who promised to become a

muhaddith now became a greatest student of Imam Malik and also become one of the teachers of Imam Bukhari and Imam
Muslim......O subhanAllah!!
such a great Imam he became
the life of a Drunkard changed because of one hadith, we brothers and sisters, including me,
we have read the Holy Book and hadith repeatedly, countless numbers, we read many inspirational messages of Islam on almost all social medias and its still doesn’t even make a single difference in our lives....what a shame.

Ramadhan has been and gone -
Has anything at all been won?
Was anything important done?
Did I strive to please the ONE?

Ramadhan came and went -
Was it usefully spent?
And was every moment
Filled with good intent?

I read Quran and kept the fast -
Can the rewards be forecast?
Sufficient to redeem the past?
Any benefits to last?

Determined that I would stay
The course, I can sincerely say
I was focused and did pray
More than on a normal day

But can we ever do too much?
The nature of faith is such
That we must resolutely clutch
Every chance to keep in touch -

With that Power which we owe
All that we are and all we know
For only nurtured by that flow
May our spirit thrive and grow

Ramadhan is over now -
That the month did not allow
More time to kneel and bow
Still surprises me somehow

I must wait another year
But at least the course to steer
The path ahead is straight and clear
Yet there is a nagging fear:

I want to learn, improve, enhance
Myself in order to advance
So ask as in some sacred trance
That I will get another chance...

For there is so much left to do
And, inshallah, the next review
I hope to be able to post to you

Brothers and sisters in Islam, Rammadhan has come and gone , we have listened to many tafsr, recited quran 2 times or 3,but
Is the orders of Allah Azza Wa Jal really the first in your life?
Are the commands of Allah Azza Wa Jal really the first in your life?
Is Islam first in your life?
Many of us believe, just because I'm A muslim Allah will honor me,
Just because I'm a muslim Allah(swt) will make me successful
Just because I'm a muslim Allah (swt) will give me victory ,
Just because I'm a muslim Allah (swt) will make me happy,
NO.........you're wrong
And this is what I meant , this is the real big problem that we have , Lack of acknowledgment and understanding of the Deen.
It not enough to say I'm a muslim and you become successful , And its not enough to say I'm a muslim and you become victorious,
And its not enough to say I'm a muslim and you become honored,
But there must be a sacrifice offered
Striving (jihad) to strive for the sake of Allah (AzzaWaJal)
For Allah(swt) to see one thing , I mean one important thing ,
That's what Allah wants to see out of this sacrifice just one important thing ,
Not even what you sacrificed that Allah (swt) wants to see,
Not what you give that Allah(swt) wants to see,
You could sacrifice so much, but Allah (swt) would not accept ,
And you could do so little and Allah(swt) will accept .
So its not what you offer and not what you sacrifice,
And its not what you give,
Its not what you donate,
Its what's in your Heart
Does Allah Azza Wa Jal come before anyone else
That's what Allah wants to see,
Is Allah Azza Wa jal the highest priority in your heart?
Is Allah (swt) the most beloved one to you in your heart?
Is Allah (swt) the most one you fear in your heart?
Is Allah (swt) the one that you would give up everything for him?
That's what allah (swt) wants to see in your heart,
So its not what you give,
Not What you offer,
Not What you strive,
And not what you sacrifice,
Its what's in the heart , Allah wants to see the Heart ,
Allah wants to see Deep inside the heart!
Does Allah come first?
Is Allah first in your life?
Because these are words that are very easy to utter with ,
Brothers and sisters in islam the reality is they are very hard to implement when it comes to the crunch , very hard to implement when it comes to reality,
I could say ILOVE ALLAH the most, but when it comes to your actions, when its comes to your conduct,
Is Allah (swt) Really the first?
You could say ALLAHU AKBAR (Allah is the greatest)
And you might say it a million times,
But is Allah really the greatest in your heart?
So when it comes to Allah Azza Wa jal commanding you something,
Does the Command of Allah come before Anything Else?
Or Evrything else comes Before Allah(swt),
This is what we call sacrifice,
You need to strive for it,
You need to give up everything for it,
You need to give the most Beloved things to you
For this word and this Principle for Allah (Azza Wa Jal) before anyone else,
And that's what we call sacrifice,
That what we mean , SACRIFICING the path of Allah(swt)
So let's learn to be a productive Muslim

The most excellent jihad is when one speaks a true word in the presence of a tyrannical ruler ,(tirmidhi)
Because this
life is a trip and your map is the Quran. Without it, you'll never get to your destination.
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