A PAINFUL END INDEED Inna lillahi Wa Inna ilaihi rajiun

Inna lillahi Wa Inna ilaihi rajiun
Who would ever imagine that (umm faiz) will end up like this, I don't even know how to start, This is a sister that
whenever you see her, all what your lips can mumble is (Ma sha Allah)She was a hafeezah She memorized the whole of
sahih bukhari, al bidayah wan nihayah and riyad al saliheen!The first day I saw her, I can't forget it so easily,it was at an islamic conference program about 8yrs ago! I
also remember the day I met her again in a masjid while she was teaching not less than 200 brothers and sisters a
chapter in bulughul maram! She teaches people with her whip/ blaller in her hands, a tall nikobite! She had the structure of a man, tough and strict with a thick voice but
when she recites, its ma sha Allah. Even during her university days, she didn't procrastinate, she went to BUK, I
remember the day I was told that she
single handedly beat 2 christians in her class for calling her a terrorist the 2 guys woke up in the school clinic, alhamdulilah the
case was judged in her favour because of the timely intervention of
some muslim lecturers!She is the type who buys gifts for people, both the young, old, fat, slim, sisters or even brothers! She doesn't need to know you before she buys you a gift, she may just see u along the road,make tasleem for you, give u a book and zoom off! I remember she was the one who bought and taught me the first
chapter of umdatul ahqam years back when I visited their school!She was from an average family, her family where all christians but She became the sabab for her family to accept islam all at once!She feeds beggars in the street,she picks every sharp objects she comes across and disposes them off, she would alight from a taxi not because that's where she wants to alight but because she wants to go and correct a wrong someone is doing by the road side!She busied herself with street da'wah! Once, a friend of her's asked her about social networking, she said (I am not condemning It and I am in no position to do so,but I
can't do it because of the more serious things and I wonder where people find time to chat all day when death could be so close, moreover what have I done for islam? )Her real name was aaliyah but people knew her as umm faiz or umm katamba!She would weep when teaching people, she would weep when admonishing sisters! She had a unique way of talking, she would be like:"Look at this leaf, don't u know it glorifies Allah? Look at this stone, it
recognizes its lord, why have u forgotten ur lord? Look at the sky, don't you see how beautiful it is? That's the greatness of Allah, look at the sand, how dry it looks, yet your body whom you adorn daily was made from it "This words and the likes are the choice of words that umm faiz normaly use, as soon
as she meets you on the road, she starts telling you about nature and the majesty of Allah, she doesn't need to see you committing sin before she starts. admonishing you, her arabic was smooth and fluent, she memorized many songs by scholars in arabic, songs about adab!If u
are with her, she alwys reminds you about Allah,she never observes salat
in the masjid, except that she weeps! She did ruqyah for many sisters, she bought jilbab and nikab for many, she once threathened a lecturer who deliberately failed her! She was fearless! She
once washed the dead body of her
younger cousin sista, I heard she had a kaffan (white cloth for shrouding the dead) in her room in her hostel to keep
reminding her about death! Ya salam, I wish you all knew the sister am talking about, merely seeing her is a naseeha!Her character speaks louder than her words, she
wrote some articles about islam, she was one of the best students in her class! Despite all this, if you were to ask her a question concerning the deen, she will
always tell you (la adri--i don't know). BUT The sad story is, after all this, our dear sister
APOSTATED! What a fitnah befalling the ummah! What a moment of reflection
After she graduated, people used to say while she was serving, she had a christian friend who was so close to her, people were worried as to how she became so close
to this unbeliever while she is strict to some
muslims especially men! She served in the same place at a secondary school with. this christian guy! Gradualy her hijab began to reduce and she started using make-up, she
removed her niqab, so she then embraced
christianity bcos of this guy! She ran away from home, her mobile lines were not going through anymore but she was spotted at lagos at a night club! As at 3 months
ago, her dad died of stroke as a result of this, her mum developed
high blood pressure, she was their only daughter! The sad story is, I was told yesterday evening that she died 3 days
ago in the evening in a hotel during maghrib time in port harcourt while she was in bed with a man! The man ran
out of the room in a suspicious way so d hotel attendants caught him, though autopsy test made on her shows
that she wasn't poisoned or strangled in any way,but the man said, she suddenly died while they were both intimate!
Naoudhubillahi min zaalik SubhanAllah this was a sister who was always the first to enter the masjid for salat even before the muadhin, now she was committing zina while maghrib salat was going on?Indeed no one is safe from the lures of shaitan! The prophet said, a man is likely to follow the religion of his friend, so mind whom you choose as friends! The prophet also said,
the way you live is the way you will also die! A cousin of umm faiz said that umm faiz was charmed by the outstanding handsome nature of the christian guy who led her astray! For those of us who still keep kufar as intimate friends, learn from this story, strengthen your al walah wal barah!
Imam ibn jawzi r.a said, learn from the stories of those who existed before you, before you become a story for those who will exist after you Umm faiz was a sister who rejected the proposals of many brodaz bcos none of them was a haafiz, I wonder
what was in the appearance of the christian guy that she couldn't see what was better in muslim brothers. This reminds me of the statement of a companion!
Abdulahi ibn Masud said,Indeed you see a
disbeliever with the
healthiest body and the sickest heart, you will also see a believer with an unhealth body and the purest heart, I swear by Allah, if your heart is sick and your body
is healthy, you will be more USELESS to Allah than dung beetles. (Al fawaid, page 213) How good was the timing of her death but how evil the way she died! The angel of death was destined to meet her
at maghrib time, IF she was still a muslim perhaps
she would have died while performing maghrib
salah, but alas, d angel of death met her at
maghib time while salat was going on bt she was fornicating in a hotel! NAoudhubillahi min suu'I'll haatima (we seek refuge in Allah from such an evil end) .
RasululAllah (Salalahu Alahy Wasalam) says
"Actions are but by intention and every man shall have but that which he intended. Thus he whose migration was for Allah and His messenger, his migration was for Allah and His messenger, and he whose migration was to achieve some worldly benefit or to take some woman in marriage, his migration was for that for which he migrated."
RasululAllah (Salalahu Alahy Wasalam) says if Allah loves a Servant he will sweeten him, the Sahabs asked "Ya RasulAllah, what does it mean to sweeten Him or Her ?" He says " it mean that before they Die Allah (swt) Will Beautify Their Actions And Make Them Die On A Beautiful Death, with A Beautiful End"so He Beautifies His Death, Decorate their End . And think of the other Hadith.... If Allah loves A servant He( Allah) put him/her through Trials, put these two hadiths together, those who go to through trials and are patient are those whom Allah loves them.
So Do we Say its a Good End?
“There is no people among which evil is
committed and they have the ability to
that but they do not change it, except that
Allaah will soon afflict them with a
that will affect them all. ” (Recorded in
Sunan Abu Dawood)
May Allaah make us the keys that open the
doors of goodness and make us the keys
that close the doors of evil....Aameen.
Oh Allah!!!
Oh Allah I have conveyed the message!!!
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  1. First and immediately, it is important to understand that saying Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilaihi Raji’un ( إِنَّا لِلَّٰهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُون) is not constrained to recite when a person dies. It can, however, be said in any situation in which you are faced with some type of difficulty or tragedy

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