What Would You Do if You Knew This Was Your Last Ramadhan? A Reminder for Us!!!

What Would You Do if You Knew This Was Your Last Ramadhan? A Reminder for Us!!!

Ramadhan comes every year but do we make the most of it?
Can You Guarantee Your Next Ramadhan?

We have 30 days of Ramadhan each year. We have spent the first ten days, some more 20-19 days more,
Some of us look forward it because of its bountiful benefits to
our spiritual self. It makes us stronger inwardly and this helps us face another new year.
But sometimes, even though we know of its many benefits, we still feel weary and tired of fasting and
keeping up with our many spiritual obligations from praying to reading and studying the Quran daily, and
even constantly cautious about how we speak and interact with people. No one ever said that fasting would be easy - it is
not simply abstaining from food and water from daybreak to sunset. It is a whole lot more. Most of us
know this.
And yet, being human, we start consciously or unconsciously slacking off, be it from duties such as
praying or reading the Quran. Instead, we spend our day sleeping, might eating and talking instead of
prayer and relection. If we feel guilty, then we tell ourselves that we will fast "properly" the next day. In
some cases, when a bad cycle begins, it can be difficult to break it. And before we know it, Ramadhan has
ended. We celebrate Eid and another year begins. Well, maybe next year, we'll do it "properly".
But what if we do not get another chance to fast "properly" so that God forgives all of our sins? We may
be healthy and fit right now, but what is the guarantee that we will remain healthy and fit tomorrow? If you
knew that this was your last Ramadhan, that something might prevent you from ever experiencing
Ramadhan again, would you not want to observe it the right way today, the best you can? So that you can
reap of its benefits while you are still able to?
A sister suffered a small stroke while fasting recently. The stroke was not fatal, nor will
it be permanently damaging. But it was serious enough that she is not expected to be able to fast the rest
of the month. Perhaps since she is of advanced age, she might not be able to fast any more for the rest of
her life.
But that should give us all pause. We do not know what the future holds. We may be young and healthy,
and have all of bodily and mental functions intact. But that can change in an instant. It is only when we
think of our own mortality that we know how limiting we as human beings actually are. And how precious
time is.
Do not waste your time. Use it well. And make this Ramadhan count because we do not know what the
future holds, if we are lucky enough to observe another one.
"Man does not weary of asking for good (things), but if ill touches him, he gives up all hope (and)
is lost in despair."
When we give him a taste of some Mercy from Ourselves, after some adversity has touched him, he is
sure to say, "This is due to my (merit): I think not that the Hour (of Judgment) will (ever) be established;
but if I am brought back to my Lord, I have (much) good (stored) in His sight!" But We will show the
Unbelievers the truth of all that they did, and We shall give them the taste of a severe Penalty.
When We bestow favours on man, he turns away, and gets himself remote on his side (instead of coming
to Us); and when evil seizes him, (he comes) full of prolonged prayer!"
(Quran, 41:49-51)
If we were to step back a moment and realize that this is the last Ramadan we will see in our
lifetime, how would we spend it? Death we know can come to us at any time, yet we still remain so
ignorant of the time now given to us to be utilized by Allah the Almighty.
Brothers and sisters in Islam! Fear Allah Ta'ala and beware of wasting your life away in futile activities. Make use of your time by being positive and constructive, for it is by doing so you can achieve the pleasure of Allah Ta'ala. This may well be your last Ramadan...,
your last opportunity to benefit from the special blessings and forgiveness that accompanies this month. Know that Ramadan... is a manifestation of Allah Ta'ala's bountiful blessings on His slaves.
Use it as a turning point in your life; a time for transformation towards a better way of life; a change from the ignominy of sins to the glory of obedience; from weakness and laziness to strength and vigour; from bad customs and detestable habits to righteousness and upright conduct.
My Plans for this Ramadan
I, Zikrullah(the remembrance of Allah), would like to share with you my 10 simple sample plan which I have been following over the years so that you can use for that purpose too:

✔1. The first thing that comes to my MIND about the Holy Month of Ramadhan is:

A - Variety of food, Iftar, Suhoor
B - Hardships, Thirst, Hunger
C - Spirituality, Being away from sins
D - Gatherings with God fearing friends
E - Quran and Prayers

✔2. I have decided the Primary GOAL for this Ramadan to:
A - Be God fearing and increase Taqwa
B - Build my character
C - Attain perfection
D - Increase my spirituality & purify soul
E - Prepare for death

✔3. To Improve my Salah (Prayers), I have decided the following:
A - Improve concentration
B - Understand its meaning
C - To stand in night prayers (Tahajjud)
D - To be punctual for Jamaat prayers
E - Increase my prostrations

✔4. To improve my relationship with Quran, I have decided the following:
A - Read the whole Quran atleast once (Tilawat)
B - Memorize a few Surahs (Aayaat)
C - Learn to recite the Quran correctly (Tajweed)
D - Understand its meanings & ponder over its verses
E - Go through the Tafseer

✔5. To be closer to Allah (SWT), I have decided to recite the following:
A - Daily duas for Ramadhan
B - Dua after prayers
C - Supplication for Iftaar
D - Duas from Quran & Hadith
E - Duas with tears

✔6. From health point of view, I have decided the following:
A - I will quit smoking
B - I will control my eating and sleeping habits
C - I will not over eat
D - I will prefer fruits & vegetables over fatty foods
E - I will do some light exercise to keep fit

✔7. From knowledge point of view, I have decided the following:
A - Read Islamic books
B - Attend Islamic lectures
C - Start a study circle or Quran translation program
D - Browse through Islamic websites
E - Listen to Islamic CDs or Audio cassettes
✔8. I have decided to work on the following Ma'aroof:
A - Arrange for Iftar
B - Being kind to relatives
C - Help my neighbours
D - Lighten the burden of others
E - Give alms to poor
F - Respect my elders
G - Attain good manners and behavior
✔9. I have decided to shun the following Munkar:
A - Telling lies
B - Speaking ill of others, gheebat
C - Losing temper
D - Watching TV, serials, films, etc.
E - Vain talk
✔10. For Shab-e-Qadr, I have decided the following:
A - To search it in the odd nights of last 10 days
B - To seek forgiveness for past sins
C - To ask for guidance for future
D - Recite Quran
E - To stand in prayers

I pray Allah gives, first of all me, and all Muslims the ability to utilize the month of Ramadan..May this
Ramadan be our best so far, for we know not if we will witness the next, Aameen..
Jazaak Allah Khairan
Zikrllah Bolarinwa would Humbly Request you all to remember to make Dua for all our Muslim brothers and sisters facing difficulty around the world. Iftaar time is the best time for your Dua's to be accepted. Don't count how many different savouries & cakes are on the table, but count your blessings for all the favours Allah'Tala has given you and think how the destitute are struggling around the world tonight and every night.

On behalves of the entire Admin of The Remembrance of Allah platform
We say: Walhamdulillaahi rabbil aalameen.

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