Keep your sins a Secret

Keep your sins a Secret!
Keeping Sins A Secret
From among the teachings of Allahs Messenger (Peace and blessings be upon him) is to keep sins a secret matter. If someone commits a sinful act which is against the Commandments of Allah, or is against the moral character, or is such an act that may cause harm to ones honor, then he should keep it a secret and seek forgiveness from Allah in the darkness of night.

The Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings be upon him) said: "My entire nation is safe, except al-Mujahirin (those who boast of their sins). Among the Mujaharah is that a man commits an (evil) act, and wakes up in the morning while Allah has kept his (sin) a secret, he says: "O Fulan! Last night I did this and that." He goes to sleep while Allah has kept his (sin) a secret but he wakes up in the morning and uncovers what Allah has kept a secret!"
[Sahih al-Bukhari]

Zayd ibn Aslam narrated, At the time of the Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings be upon him), a man admitted that he had committed fornication, so the Messenger of Allah asked for a whip.
He was brought a broken whip, so he said: "Better than this."
Then he was brought a new whip..., he then said: "Lesser than this.
So, he was brought a whip that was used and had thus become soft, and the Messenger (Peace and blessings be upon him) ordered that he be whipped with it (a hundred times).
He then said: "O People! It is time for you to refrain from transgressing Allahs limits. He who commits some of these filthy acts (such as fornication), let him hide under Allahs cover, for whoever admits what he has committed, we will establish Allahs Book as regards him (by applying the warranted punishment for this sin)."
[Musnad Ahmad]

Abdullah Ibn Masud related, A man came to the Prophet and said: O Messenger of Allah! I have mingled with a woman in the far side of al-Medina, and I fulfilled my desire short of actually having sexual intercourse with her. So, here am I, judge me according to what you decide.
Umar Ibn al-Khattab then said: Allah had kept your secret, why did not you keep your secret?
[Sharh Muslim]

Similarly, if one becomes aware of somebody elses sin, he should keep it a secret.

Allahs Messenger (Peace and blessings be upon him) said: "He, who relieves a hardship of this Dunya (word) for a believer, Allah will relieve (from him) a hardship of the Day of Resurrection; he who makes easy an indebted person, Allah will make it easy for him in the Dunya and the Hereafter; he who covers a Muslim (meaning his mistakes and shortcomings), Allah will cover him in the Dunya and the Hereafter..." [Muslim]

Abdullah Ibn Umar related, "The Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings be upon him) once rose above the podium and then said with a loud voice, "O those who have embraced Islam only with their tongue, while Iman has not yet entered their hearts, neither harm Muslims, nor mock them, nor try to expose their mistakes, for he who follows (searches for) the errors of his brother, Allah will follow his errors, and he whom Allah follows his errors, He will expose him even if he was in the middle of his home."
[Sahih al-Jami]

Imam an-Nawawi writes, 'This Hadith indicates that following and then exposing peoples mistakes only occurs by the hypocrites and those whose Iman is so weak, that it did not yet fill their hearts..."

Exposing sins lead to humiliation and embarrassment, which ceases the possibility that the sinner might someday regret his mistake, seek forgiveness from Allah and purify his soul from sins because one of the things that prevent one from committing sins is the fear of humiliation.

However, if the sinner knows that the people are already aware of his sins, then he does not experience the shame and distraction which he used to feel before and this might encourage him to commit sins openly!

Secondly, when sins are repeatedly mentioned in gatherings, etc. the fear of committing sins vanishes from the peoples hearts. First the sin will become easy on peoples tongue and gradually he, who does not feel any shame in mentioning the sin, will not find it difficult to even commit the sin. This is how, sins spread in the society!

So, if someone becomes aware of his brothers sins and realizes that nobody except him has seen him committing the sin, then he should keep the sin a secret. He should not encourage people towards sins by exposing his faults. Allah, the Exalted, has not only condemned committing sins in the Quran but He has also condemned those people who mention sins in public.

He said:
"Verily, those who like that Fahishah should be circulated among those who believe, they will have a painful torment." [Noble Quran 24:19]

Meaning, those who like to see evil talk about them (the believers) appear. [Tafsir Ibn Kathir]

Allah says:
"Allah does not like that evil should be uttered in public except by him who has been wronged."
[Noble Quran 4:148]

Ibn Abbas commented on this verse, "Allah does not like that anyone should invoke Him against anyone else, unless one was wronged. In this case, Allah allows one to invoke Him against whoever wronged him...Yet, it is better for one if he observes patience." [Tafsir Ibn Kathir]

Today sins have become widespread in the society because we have forgotten the teachings of Allahs Messenger (Peace and blessings be upon him), who discouraged people from revealing ones mistakes and sins as well as others. As a result, people have lost the fear of committing not only minor sins but even major sins - Moreover, we find people proudly attributing sins to themselves!!

Today, there are also many novel channels through which sins are propagated in the society; like such book, magazines and television programs that mention the crimes of others, illicit acts, and immorality under the name of creating awareness among the people.

These programs which are meant to help the people against the crimes are in reality, helping the crime to spread fast in the society! Crimes, which were previously unknown to people have become common offense! It is therefore necessary for the Muslims to avoid all such avenues which may lead to the destruction of our Muslim Ummah.
"And swell not thy cheek (for pride) at men, nor walk in insolence through the earth; for Allah loveth not any arrogant boaster. Surah Luqman:18

Oh Allah, any one who read and follow this piece of Reminder, and anyone who shares it and anyone you Rebroadcast it
Oh allah , forgive us all our sins, the small and the great one , the tiny and the big, great ones and insignificant Oh Allah , include us among repentance, and include us among who are constantly repentance and answer our supplication. And who say " Ameen"

Salamu Alaykum Warahmatulahi Wabarakatuh

★For: #Zikrlah

Its "Sadqa-e-Jaaria"

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