the punishment of the one who doesn't pray

The punishments of the one who doesn't pray.

The Prophet peace be upon him narrated: "Whoever shows heedlessness (negligence) in praying salat, Allah punishes them with fifteen kinds of punishments"

Six punishments in this lifetime.
Three punishments while dying.
Three punishments in the grave.
Three punishments on the day of Judgment.

Six punishments in this lifetime:
1 - Allah takes away blessings from his age,(makes his life misfortunate)
2 - Allah wipes out the virtues of righteous people from his face.
3 - Allah does not accept his Dua's.
4- He will be detested by all creatures on Earth.
5 - Allah does not award him for his good deeds.
6 - He will not be included in the prayer & Dua's of the righteous.
(good people)

Three punishments while dying.
1- He dies humiliated.
2-He dies hungry.
3- He dies thirsty.
Even if he drinks the water of all the seas, he will still be thirsty.

Three punishments in the grave.
1- Allah tightens his grave until his chest, ribs come over each other.
2- Allah pours on him fire with embers (red colour, hot coal made of immensely heated firewood).
3- Allah sets on him a snake called "The Brave" "The Bold" which rolls all around his body & crushes him.

Three punishments on the day of Judgment.
1- He will be dragged face down over hot burning coal to the hellfire.
2- Allah gives him an angry look that makes the flesh of his face fall down
3- Allah judges him strictly and orders him to be thrown in hell.

Those who do not offer their prayers of:

The glow of their face is taken away.

The blessing of their income is taken away (even if he has millions, he will be poor).

There is no strength in their body.

They are not benefited by their children.

The peace of their sleep is taken away

The person who listens to music during the Adhan will be unable to recite the Shahadah while dying

The Prophet peace be upon him narrated.
"Convey from me, even if its one verse (Ayah)"
Maybe forwarding this message to others can be beneficial for your Intercession on the Day of Judgement.

Subh√ Suhr√ Asr√ Magrib √ Isha-i ? If So, say "ALHAMDULILLAH"But if not ,cry out louder and got to Masjeed because we have got not even a single excuse for Namaz ok?
Learn How to increase your Eeman... A few tips:

1. Read Quran.
2. Pray your 5 daily prayers.
3. Pray in the masajid.
4. Make constant dhikr.
5. Keep God fearing friends and those that remind you of Allah (SWT).
5. Repent from your sins.
6. Cover up your awrah.
7. Go to lectures in the masajid.
8. Read ahadith.
9. Give dawah even if it is one ayah.
10. Stay away from haram places.
11. Lower your gaze.
12. Learn the seerah of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and his sahabah

Remember that In the remembrance of Allaah do Heart achieves a state of spiritual tranquility.

The Heart becomes rusty due to two things:
 (1). Neglecting remembering
Allaah (Dhirk)
(2). Committing sins.
The polish for these two things are:
(1). Seeking Allaah’s forgiveness
(2). Making Dhikr often.

💕 How to purify and soften hearts 💕

👉 “Whoever takes care of his time by :
✔Doing Dhikr (remembrance) of Allaah. ✨
✔Reciting the Qur’aan. 📖
✔Accompanying the good people. 👬
✔Distancing himself from the ignorant and bad company . ✋
Prophet Muhammad( peace and blessings of Allaah be upon Him ) said: "There is a polish for everything that
takes away rust; and the polish for the heart is the remembrance of Allaah." (sahih Bukhari)
★For: #Zikrlah

Its "Sadqa-e-Jaaria"

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