advices for those who are looking for the right spouses For brother/ Do not marry 6 types of women:

Salamalaykum Dear brothers and sisters, kindly take this advices for those who are looking for the right spouses
For brother/ Do not marry 6 types of women:

1. Always angry
2. Always frowning
3. Compares you to everyone else

4. Still has feelings for her previous partner
5. Belittles you
6. Always complaining
Marry them for four (4)(reasons):4ur wealth,4ur lineage,and4ur beauty,so I choose u B'coz. U possesses the Deen (religion)And you will suceed
A righteous woman is the greatest blessing that Allah (subhaanahu wa ‘ta’aalaa) can give to a man, for with her he can find comfort &rest
For sisters/ Muslimah Do not marry 7 types of men:

1. A man that can not provide for you.
2. A man that is not Muslim.
3. A man that does not pray.
4. A man that is not capable of loving you.
5. A man that wants dowry.
6. A man whose character and deen do not please you.
7. A man who does not love you for the sake of ALLAH (God), rather loves to show you off and for you to reveal your beauty to other men.

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