Tips for easy good Deeds

Any thing that is done for a good cause either to for the purpose reward from God or for the cause of humanity is the examples of good deeds. Islam is such a miraculous religion that daily routine tasks like sleeping, eating and talking can be termed as good deeds if they are according to Sunnah and the choice of Allah Almighty. So it will be a very smart of someone if he do deeds according to the Quran and Sunnah and convert them to the good deeds.
Think of Allah before you take any action
Islam had made the acts like sleeping and eating as good deeds. Make a habit of reciting Duas of sleeping and eating before you sleep and eat something. Or just say Bismillah before starting your work. The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:
good deeds Tips for easy good Deeds“Whoever says Subhaan Allaah wa bi hamdih (Praise and glory be to Allaah) one hundred times, morning and evening, his sins will be erased even if they are like the foam of the sea.”
Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 6042; Muslim, 2691.
Doing house chores or driving you can easily say Subhaan Allaah wa bi hamdih and make your deeds of your routine a good deed.
Make a habit to read Quran daily
Make Quran recitation a part of your everyday life. Try to recite Quran no matter you recite one ayah , one Suraah or one chapter of Quran. Holy Quran is the book for the self not for the shelf. Take the Holy book out of shelf daily and recite it. Reciting Quran daily will surely bring a positive change in your life.
Evaluate yourself daily
No man is perfect in this world. We do deeds daily and those deeds can be either good or bad deeds. Make a habit of evaluating yourself daily. Think of good and bad deeds you have dome in a day. Try to carry on the good deeds and eradicate the bad deeds from your life.
Have a good company
Please shareA man is known by the company he keeps. So try to hangout with good people. Make your friendship with good and religious people who can guide you in making good deeds.
Give time to yourself
Try to spare a time alone for your own self. So that you can evaluate your self and engage yourself in dhikr.
The final word
Fear Allah and try to live your life according to the saying of Almighty Allah and the holy Prophet (PBUH). Make good habits a part of your life and abstain from bad habits.

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