METAVERSE- Our Reality is Destroyed, faith ,culture all taken!

 METAVERSE - How does the metaverse relate to Muslims? Let us investigate Madinah and the Prophet Muhammad (saw). during the time of the Prophet Muhammad (saw), a caravan with music, festivals, entertainment, and commerce arrived in Madinah when he was delivering the Friday Khutbah. It's a fascinating story, and it's told in the Quran (62:11). However, [O Muhammad], when they noticed a deal or a diversion, they hurried to it and left you standing. "What is with Allah is better than diversion and commerce, and Allah is the best of providers," say the prophets. They left you standing alone on the pulpit when they heard a fanfare along with the caravan. Now, having connected all of these, this caravan is still around today, albeit in a different dimension, as you can see with the arrival of the internet. This caravan has literally followed us everywhere. If you add social media to the equation, you'll see that this caravan isn't leaving us alone. What makes this caravan even more annoying is that it isn't just generic entertainment. Rather, thanks to the  algorithms and artificial intelligence, it is strategically engineered (programmed) to present contents that appeal to us, it knows our individual preferences, interests, and wants, and it keeps giving us more and more unstoppably, whether it is sports, comedy, or even videos of our choice based on previous preferences. These algorithms have reached the point where the internet knows you better than you know yourself. (You may be aware that Google and Facebook are capable of developing algorithms to study you and learn to know you better than you will ever know yourself in years. Our instincts have been hacked, and they know how to use them. to keep us addicted, to keep us captivated to the contents of our choices, trust me, it's not a guessing game, it's science. Every time they send you a new notice, such as a new post or a new video, they know you're addicted to it and will always want more of it. When dopamine is released in our brain, our desire to keep scrolling is stronger. As a result, we are no longer interested in the natural real world because, quite frankly, the natural real world cannot provide us with the same levels of dopamine that we receive artificially online (masturbation through pornography contents is a prefect example of this ) It's a loop, a vicious cycle that has most of us addicted while social media giants all over the world profit from it by making billions of dollars, this is a proven formula that works, and they aren't planning on stopping at all, in fact, they are planning to increase it all, now, you see, this caravan that has been following us around from the outside will soon become our home, our walls, and the very roof above us, OUR REALITY HAS BEEN DESTROYED AND REPLACED  Much credit goes to Mark Zuckerberg and what he has dubbed (The METAVERSE), which is said to be the next iteration of the internet, where the physical world will fuse with the digital screen by forming a virtual world where you will socialize, work, play games, and pretty much live your own virtual life the way you want it, with your own virtual homes, circle of friends, and even your own realistic avatar of yourself. We will be completely immersed with the modern artificial Headset, even though much has already been said about this, and many criticisms have been made via articles publications as well as the documentation of the damages from social media as it exists today, whether that's through the rise of anxiety, depression, addiction, pornorgraphy, loneliness, suicide, money ritual, and the rapid decline of society. We can only image how bad things will get in the future. Nonetheless, despite everything that has already been done and stated, there is something more I want to focus on. One of the most significant effects these distractions have had on our lives is their ability to make us forget who we are, our religion, culture, where we came from, the sons and daughters of whom we truly are. Muslims have been driven away from the Quran, as have Christians, and it is not because anyone is actively or passively forcing us on these neglects; rather, we are so distracted that we are no longer receptive. You see, when the companions were confronted with this Caravan of Distraction, they abandoned their reality and faith, leaving the prophet (saw) standing alone. Allah (swt) directs the prophet to inform them. "What is with Allah is better than diversion and commerce, and Allah is the best of providers," say the prophets. It's time to get out of the caravan and start being people of life, people of thought, people of hearing, and people of sight, as Allah warns. 36:70 "This is a revelation, an enlightening Qur'an to warn everyone who is fully alive," He continued (50:37) This has a lesson for everyone who has a (sound) heart and listens with an alert mind. As you can see, social media behemoths are constantly devising new tactics to push us away. Allah calls us from our everyday lives to that which actually offers us life. We only need to respond to that call and return. Allah also stated to those who have gained religion, "O you who have attained faith!" If you remain conscious of God, He will endow you with a standard by which to distinguish the true from the false, Q 29 and will efface your bad deeds, and will forgive you your sins: for God is limitless in His great bounty." let us go back to being the people of life not the people of the over exploitation of the new life they're giving us, as a reminder I've got my own shortcoming, no one is exempted we all It's simply a reminder for us to be aware of and conscious of Be mindful of what is going on, parents! Remember that what is with Allah is incomparably superior to the diversion wagon, the Caravan!  Oh Allah I have conveyed the message!!! AssalamuAlaykumWarahmatulahiWabarakatuh On behalves of the entire Admin of The Remembrance of Allah platform 👏We say: Walhamdulillaahi rabbil aalameen. 

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 I genuinely hope, from the bottom of my heart, that this article was a source of betterment for you and that it has helped you, to realize the beautiful realities of your existences. And Allah (swt) knows best.

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