If Prophet Ibraheem failed the test of his faith , would we (men) Exist?
Brothers and Sisters, all of us know the story of Ibrahim's sacrifice and we say that it was a test by Allah (ta'ala). But do we really understand what Ibrahim went through? Do we appreciate what it was like to be Ibrahim? Can we grasp in thought what happened? Why is it that we regard Ibrahim as the father of faith? What was it that he achieved?
Ibrahim (saw) is distinguished in the Quran with the title of khalil-ul-Allah (the intimate friend of Allah). In surat an-Nisa, Allah says : "For Allah did take Ibrahim for (an intimate) friend " (4:125)
Allah (SWT) says in Surah Al-Baqarah # 124

When Allah (SWT) tested Prophet Ibrahim (AS), Prophet Ibrahim (AS) passed the test. Allah (SWT) said to him: “I will make you leader of mankind” Prophet Ibrahim asked Allah (SWT) “Is this promise for my children too?” Allah (SWT) replied “Yes, but not for those who will be wrong doers.”
Many questions come to mind. Why should Allah (SWT) test anybody when He is All Knowing? What is the nature of these tests? What was the result of the test of Prophet Ibrahim (AS)? What was the reward, if any, for these tests? We will address these questions one by one.
The purpose of these tests is not to give pass/fail awards or any other credentials. The purpose of these tests is indicated by the word “RUB” in this verse. Allah (SWT) has chosen this word for Himself from all His attributes to indicate that the purpose of this test is to nourish the spiritual and physical faculties of a person and train him for higher and higher goals.
 A poet said in Urdu.
“O eagle, don’t be afraid of strong opposing wind. It is to raise you higher and higher.” Hence, difficulties train a person for higher goals.
We notice that Allah (SWT) is announcing the result of tests of Ibrahim (AS) stating that he has fulfilled these tests. Allah (SWT) refers to Ibrahim (AS) even more beautifully in Surah An-Najm # 37

That Ibrahim (AS) who fulfilled his promises
Hence we conclude that Ibrahim (AS) passed all these tests. As a result of this Allah (SWT) said to him “I will make you leader of mankind.” Prophet Ibrahim was not only happy but was concerned
about his future generations. Allah (SWT) said “There will be, indeed, leaders of mankind among your future generations except those who are wrong doers.” Hence the People of Book cannot be leaders since they made partners with Allah (SWT).
Now we will describe some of the tests of Prophet Ibrahim (AS). Let us start with the time when he was with his parents and people. He saw them worshipping idols which they had made with their own hands. Prophet Ibrahim (AS) addressed those idols as described in Surah As-Saffat # 91-98

Then he turned to their gods and said “Will you not eat (of the offering before you)? “What is the matter with you that you speak not?” Then he turned upon them, striking (them) with (his) right hand. Then they (the worshippers of idols) came, towards him, hastening. He said: “Worship you that which you (yourselves) carve? “While Allah has created you and what you make!” They said: “Build for him a building and throw him into the blazing fire!” So they plotted a plot against him, but We made them the lowest.
Prophet Ibrahim said,
Allah (SWT) is enough as my protector and patron.
Allah (SWT) ordered the roaring flames of fire to cool down to comfort Ibrahim (AS).Surah Al- Anbiya#69
We (Allah) said : “O fire, cool down and become safety for Ibrahim .”
Now Ibrahim had to leave his father and folks and what they worshipped. He went to Syria with his wife. This scene is also described in Surah As-Saffat # 99- 100

Prophet Ibrahim said, I go to the way of Allah (SWT) who will indeed guide me. My Lord! Grant me (offspring) from the righteous.
Scholars inferred from this that it is the sunnah of all the prophets to get married and try to have children who are righteous, so that they can carry on the work of Allah (SWT). Another example of this is prophet Zakariya (AS) who said Al-Imran # 38
At that time Zakariya invoked his Lord: “O my Lord! Grant me from You, a good off spring. You are indeed the All-Hearer of invocation.”

He is also described in surat an-Nahl as a model : "Ibrahim was indeed a model. Devoutly obedient to Allah, and true in faith, and he joined not gods with Allah " (16:20).

Ibrahim was born among the star- and idol-worshipping people of Chaldea, in the home of Azar, his father, the idol-maker of the tribe. Ibrahim was among the kuffar, but not of them, like a spring of tawheed (monotheism) arising out of the swamp of shirk (polytheism). The Quran tells us in surat al-An`aam : " Lo! Ibrahim said to his father Azar : Do you take idols for God? For I see you and your people in manifest error? " (6:74).

From the revolt in the house of Azar, his father, Ibrahim went on to challenge the polytheism of his people. Indeed Ibrahim is know as history's great idol- smasher, as the founder of monotheism and the crusher of ignorance.

There are numerous verses in the Quran which describe how Ibrahim argued against idol-worshippers, his rational arguments against sceptics and those who worshipped celestial bodies, how he deals with unbelievers, how he preaches to his people. For instance, in surat al-Baqara Allah says : "Hast thou not turned thy vision to one who disputed with Abraham about his Lord, because God granted him power? Abraham said : ` My Lord is He who giveth life and death.' He said : `I give life and death.' Said Abraham : `But it is God that causeth the sun to rise from the East : Do then cause it to rise from the West.' Thus was he confounded who (in arrogance) rejected Faith. Nor doth God give guidance to a people unjust." (2:258)

In another example in surat al-Anbiya : We bestowed aforetime on Abraham his rectitude of conduct, and well were We acquainted with him. Behold! he said to his father and his people, `What are these images to which ye are (so assiduously) devoted?' They said, `We found our fathers worshipping them.' He said, 'Indeed ye have been in manifest error -- ye and your fathers.' They said, 'Have you brought us the Truth, or are you one of those who jest?' He said, `Nay, your Lord is the Lord of heavens and the earth, He who created them (from nothing) : I am a witness to this (truth). And by God, I have a plan for your idols -- after ye go away and turn your backs.' So he broke them to pieces, (all) but the biggest of them, that they might turn (and address themselves) to it. They said, `Who has done this to our gods? He must indeed be some man of impiety! ' They said, `We heard a youth talk of them : he is called Abraham.' They said, `Then bring him before the eyes of the people, that they may bear witness.' They said, `Art thou the one that did this with our gods, O Abraham?' He said, `Nay, this was done by -- This is their biggest one! Ask them, if they speak intelligently!' So they turned to themselves and said, ` Surely ye are the ones in the wrong!' Then were they confounded with shame: (they said) `Thou knowest full well that these idols do not speak!' (Abraham) said, Do ye then worship, besides God, things that can neither be of any good to you nor do you harm? Fie upon you, and upon the things that ye worship besides God! Have ye no sense?' They said, `Burn him and protect your gods, if ye do (anything at all)!' (21:51-68)

As usual, when falsehood is defeated on intellectual grounds it resorts to plotting and oppression. The response of his people to his da`wa is given in surat al-Ankabut : "So naught was the answer of (Ibrahim's) people except that they said : Slay him or burn him " (29:24) Ibrahim could have given up his message and his beliefs to save himself from the fire of Nimrod. Nut he chose martyrdom. He chose to die for Allah's message to live. He chose to step into the fire of ignorance and tyranny in order to save humanity from the fire of ignorance and tyranny. So he was cast into the fire.

But Allah had a different plan for Ibrahim and he was unhurt by the grace of Allah (ta'ala) : "But Allah did save him from the fire. Verily in this are signs for people who believe " (29:24). Allah also says : "We said `O fire! Be cool and a means of safety for Ibrahim' " (21:69). his miracle did not refrain the idol-worshippers from continuing for very long years their plots, persecution, abuse, cruelty and isolation against Ibrahim but he remained uncompromising, unshakeable in his beliefs, patient in his suffering, gentle in his manners until he made his hijra (he migrated) to the lands of Aram nad Canaan.

He left the land of his fathers to become a stranger in the land of promise.

Brothers and Sisters, it was indeed a land of promise. A land where Ibrahim continued a lifetime of struggle, da`wa, movement, bearing alone the heavy responsibility of the mission of Tawheed (monotheism) in an age of darkness, oppression, prejudice and ignorance. Ibrahim did not have children. And through- out his century of prophethood and service of God, as Ibrahim grew older, his desire to have a son grew stronger. The Prophet Ibrahim desperately longed for a son but his wife Hajar was barren.

"O my Lord! Grant me a righteous son!" (37:100) was his call to Allah.
Hence we must pray to Allah (SWT) to grant us pious and righteous Children.
Allah (SWT) did give Ibrahim (AS) tidings of a son who was going to show extraordinary patience and perseverance. Hajira, the wife of Prophet Ibrahim (AS), gave birth to Ismail (AS).
Allah (SWT) ordered Jibrael (AS) to take Ibrahim (AS), his wife and baby boy to a place that is known as Makkah now.
Prophet Ibrahim (AS) was ordered to go back to Syria as soon as they arrived there.The spirit of submission to the will of Allah (SWT) was so high in the mind of Ibrahim (AS), that he started off immediately towards Syria. His wife asked him, “Where are you going, leaving us behind here?”. He did not answer. She asked again, “Why are you leaving us behind, where there is no habitation, no water and vegetation?” He still did not answer her. Finally she asked, “Is Allah (SWT) sending you?” Prophet Ibrahim (AS) answered, “Yes”. She responded “Fine, He who is sending you will take care of us as well”.
When Prophet Ibrahim (AS) went around the hill, he paused momentarily and made a supplication “O Allah (SWT), I have stationed my family in a place where there is no sign of vegetation whatsoever. Please provide them with fruits of life so that they can establish prayer and be truly submissive to you.”
It is interesting to note that this is the way the prophets make balance between the rights of Allah (SWT) and the rights of the people.
This was a big test for the whole family of Prophet Ibrahim (AS). Hajira (RU) found her baby boy crying for water. She rushed to
nearby hillock called Safa in search of water. She was disappointed and came running back to the child who was still crying. She ran to the other nearby hill called Marwa to find any signs of water. She was disappointed again. Hajira(RAA) ran seven times between Safa and Marwa in search of water for her child. As she returned to her child after seventh round she found her child rubbing his feet on the ground. To her surprise a fountain of water gushed out from that place which is now called ZAM ZAM. This fountain of water is flowing till today providing water to the mankind.
Prophet Ibrahim (AS) used to visit his family time to time. When his son Ismail became teenager, Prophet Ibrahim (AS) said to him .Surah As-Safat #102
“O my dear son, I see in dream that I sacrifice you. What do you think about it?”
This explains us how a father should communicate with his son. Prophet Ibrahim informed him politely and waited for his response. This left scope for any counseling if necessary. This also tested the level of sense of submission of his son to Allah (SWT). We further note that this is the age when a child becomes a helping hand for his parents and all parents are anxiously waiting for this stage. Allah (SWT) ordered Prophet Ibrahim (AS) to sacrifice his son in this prime age. This was another big test for the whole family. The answer of the son is very fascinating. Surah As-Safat#102
He said “O my dear dad, go ahead do what you are ordered”.
This young man clearly understood that even the dream of the prophet is like a revelation from Allah (SWT) and hence an order from Allah (SWT). Young Ismail further added As-Safat#102
“InshaAllah you will see me among those who are patient”. This answer has many lessons for us. First of all we must use InshaAllah in our communications as we have been instructed in Surah Al-Kahf and Surah Noon. Secondly, young Ismail recognized that there have been many people before him who were extremely patient. He instead of boasting about his patience, humbles himself further and says that “You will, God willing find me among those who were patient”.
Both father and son walked towards a site called Mina. On the way Satan tried to persuade the father saying “You have only seen a dream. Why should you slaughter your son in his prime age?” Prophet Ibrahim threw pebbles on Satan to overcome him. Then Satan similarly tried to persuade young Ismail and his mother. They treated Satan the same way and overcame Satan with their strong belief.
Father and son were now ready for the sacrifice. A very touching dialogue took place between them. Son said to his father,
¨ “O my dad tie my hands and feet so that I don’t jump around.
¨ Please sharpen the knife and run it fast on my throat so that my soul can leave me fast. Death is a very difficult thing.
¨ Save your clothes from my blood so that my reward is not decreased and my mother may not be grieved to see this blood.
¨ Say my salam to my mother and give her my shirt. It may console her.”
Prophet Ibrahim (AS) listened to this touching speech from his son and the Prophet Ibrahim was not carried away. He said to his son “O my dear son, how helpful you are in carrying out our duty of Allah (SWT)”.
This is all described in As-Saffat # 103- 107.

“When both of them surrendered to Allah (SWT), the Prophet Ibrahim (AS) laid down his son on his face. Allah called Ibrahim “O Ibrahim you have fulfilled the vision. We reward the goodness like this. It was indeed a clear test. We replaced it with a bigger sacrifice”.
A lamb was sacrificed in place of young Ismail (AS). Allah further recognized Ibrahim (AS) by instructing all the coming generations to salute him. Allah (SWT) not only saved Ismail(AS) but granted him another son, Ishaq (AS). Both were prominent prophets of Allah (SWT).
Allah (SWT) loved the submission of every member of the family of Ibrahim so much that He made it a symbol for the coming generations by making it a part of Hajj.
Against every expectation, Allah fullfilled his promise of making Ibrahim the seed of a great line of Prophets, the root of the great universal religions. "So we gave him the good news of a forbearing boy" (37:101).

Allah brought mercy to the agedness, loneliness, hopelessness and anguish of his trustworthy Messenger. For Ibrahim, Ismail was not just a son for a sonless father, he was the end of a life of waiting, the reward of a century of suffering, the fruit of his life, the hope after despair and the young boy of an old father.

Ismael being the promise of future generations was in some sense the whole world for Ibrahim.

So there was joy and rejoicing in Ibrahim's house as Ismail was quickly growing under the sun of his father's love.

But Allah decided that it was not to remain so.

Brothers and Sisters, Ibrahim was to be tried once more. Ibrahim had a vision in which he was commanded by Allah to slaughter his only son.

Brothers and Sisters, why should Ibrahim, whose entire life was devoted to prophethood, to Jihaad, to removing ignorance, to laying the foundations of tawheed be tried once again?

Is it because man should not rest?

Is it because man should not be deceived by 100 years of Jihad and victories?

Is it because he should not think of himself without weakness?

Is it for the fact that whatever we fix our eyes upon in this world will blind us?

And finally, is it because the higher the spiritual height we reach, the greater is the danger of falling?

Brothers and Sisters, it is not possible to convey in words what it must have meant for Ibrahim to be commanded by Allah (ta'ala) to sacrifice his only son Ismail. The magnitude of the pain does not allow the imagination to enclose it. It inspires fear and trembling.

How can Ibrahim take his beloved son, the fruit of his life, the joy of his heart, the meaning of his living and staying, his Ismail, and hold him on the ground, put a knife to his throat and kill him?

If it were only the slaughter of Ibrahim at the hand of Ismail, how easy! But no! The young Ismail must die and the old and aged Ibrahim must remain!

Ibrahim, the steel-like idol-smasher must have felt torn apart!

Within him, there must have been a war, the greatest jihad. Which war? The war between God and Ismail! The difficulty of choice!

Who should Ibrahim choose?
Love of God or Love of self?
Prophethood or Fatherhood?
Loyalty to God or loyalty to family?
Faith or Emotion?
Truth or Reality?
Consciousness or Instinct?
Responsibility or Pleasure?
Duty or Right?
Tawheed (Monotheism) or Shirk (Polytheism)?
Advancing or Remaining?
To Become or To Be?
And finally, God or Ismail?
What should Ibrahim choose?
Brothers and Sisters, Ibrahim did not choose immediately. He doubted and wavered under the crushing force of pain and anguish. Only after the third vision did he finally decide to carry out Allah's command. This is reflected in the hajj ritual of stoning the three idols representing Iblis who tempted Ibrahim to disobey Allah.

When a `truth' enhances one's earthly life, most people become seekers of truth. But when a truth opposes life and leads to problems, loss and dangers the seekers of truth are few in number.

Iblis works wherever he finds traces of fear, weakness, doubt, despair, envy selfishness and even great affection towards someone or something. Iblis sometimes blows logical reasons, intellectual and religious justifications to achieve his ends.

For instance we may imagine that, under the powerful crush of his pain and distress, Ibrahim could have used many justifications. Perhaps the meaning of dhebh (slaughter) is just metaphorical and means kill your `ego'. Perhaps `Ismail' might be a general noun and not Ibrahim's son. Perhaps ``slaughter Ismail'' actually means ``slaughter the love of Ismail''. Ibrahim could have also tried many interpretations of his vision.

But Ibrahim, khalil-ul-Allah, the intimate friend of God, had faith in Allah and he knew that Allah (ta'ala) demanded the sacrifice. Abraham's conscience would make a mockery of all these logical justifications and reasons.

Ibrahim chose the Love of God over the Love of self, Prophethood over Fatherhood, Loyalty to God over Loyalty to family, Truth over Reality, Consciousness over Instinct, Responsibility over Pleasure, Duty over Right, Tawheed over Shirk. He preferred Advancing to Remaining.

Ibrahim chose God and gave up Ismail.

Brothers and Sisters, in Mina, an amazing and frightening conversation between a father and a son took place.

Ibrahim said to Ismail : "O my Son, I see in a vision that I offer you in sacrifice. Now see what is your view? " (37:102)

What frightening words for a child to hear!

Ismail could have kept silent. He could have asked Ibrahim to refrain.

But Ismail had also faith. He submitted to Allah's will. Realising his father's distress, Ismail gave him these comforting words : "O my father! Do as you are commanded. You will find me, if Allah so wills, patient and constant " (37:102)

Allah-u-Akbar! Allah-u-Akbar! Allah-u-Akbar!

Ibrahim had consulted his son who willingly offered himself to Allah's command. The choice of Ibrahim was sacrifice. That of Ismail was self-sacrifice : Martyrdom.

This gave Ibrahim strength. Ibrahim tied his heart to God, he took the Ismail of his life in one hand and the knife of his faith in the other and he walked until he reached the place of sacrifice. Ibrahim was suffering while believing and at every moment it was possible for him to retract and turn back. Yet he layed Ismail on the ground, putting his face away from him to give strength to his crushed soul and paralysed hand. And so he slaughtered Ismail. But, by Allah's grace, the knife did not cut.

Ibrahim received a sheep and was called by Allah :

"O Ibrahim! You have confirmed the Vision Thus indeed do We reward those who do right This is indeed the manifest trial!" (37:104-105)

Allah-u-Akbar! Allah-u-Akbar! Allah-u-Akbar!

Brothers and Sisters, Ibrahim gained everything and kept Ismail. This means that the God of Ibrahim is not thirsty for blood like the Inca gods or Hindu godesses were thirsty of blood.

It is the people, the servants of God who are hungry, and hungry of sheep meat.

And, symbolically, the only blood shed in this story is the blood of Iblis.

Brothers and Sisters, this means that from the very beginning God did not want Ismail to be slaughtered. He wanted Ibrahim to be the slaughterer of Ismail. When he became so, the slaughter became useless.

God, from the beginning, wanted Ismail to be the slaughter of God. And when it happened, his sacrifice became useless.

Mankind has needs but God has no needs. He is Self-Sufficient. Allah (ta`ala) in His Wisdom raised Ibrahim to the highest peak of sacrificing his Ismail without sacrificing Ismail. Allah (ta`ala) promoted Ismail to the highest peak of being the great sacrifice of God without bringing any harm to him.

This event is not about the torment and torture of mankind but about the perfection of humanity, the freedom from the prison of instinct and selfishness and about the elevation of spirit.

This momentous event also teaches us, through Ibrahim, that human life, Ismail's, Ibrahim's, everyone's, acquires its meaning and value from God -- The Source of Creation -- and not from nature. It signifies that the good things in life, represented by Ismail, derive their value not from the mere fact that they exist and can be valued, enjoyed and delighted in, but from God, The Source of Creation Himself. Ibrahim was, in some sense, giving back Ismail to receive him again on the proper basis.

Brothers and Sisters, different people organise differently their loyalty to God, to the family and to the nation or the state. A secular mind owes and absolute duty to the nation (and the family) whereas a religious conscience owes absolute duty to God. For a secular mind Ibrahim was willing to MURDER Ismail but for a religious conscience he was willing to SACRIFICE Ismail. Ibrahim therefore instructs that we should owe absolute duty only to God and it is our relationship to God which ought to transcend and determine out relation to family/nation and not vice-versa.

Brothers and Sisters, there still is a lot to understand and discover about this momentus event. These are only a few possible meanings. Only a few, and just possible, because as Ibrahim taught us to be less complacent and more critical about having attained faith, we should be less complacent and more critical about having attained understanding.

Brothers and Sisters, the Ismail of Ibrahim was his son. But you, who is your Ismail? what is it?

Your degree? Your reputation? Your position? Your money? Your home? Your car? Your beloved? Your family? Your knowledge? Your title? Your dress? Your fame? Your soul? Your spirituality? Your Beauty? Your strength? Your career?

How does one know?

Well, you know this yourself. One can only give its signs to you.

Whatever is in your eyes which holds the place of Ismail in the eyes of Ibrahim!

Whatever weakens you on the way of faith!

Whatever stops you in your movement!

Whatever brings doubt to your responsibility!

Whatever has enchained your freedom!

Whatever leads you to compromise and justification!

That very thing which deafens your ears before the Message of Truth!

Whatever calls you to remain with yourself!

Whatever causes you to flee from your duty!

Whoever or Whatever keeps you behind in order to remain with her/him or it !

Brothers and Sisters, these are the signs of our Ismail's. Let us search for them in ourselves and let us slaughter them to move towards Allah (ta'ala) and to remove the real knife from the throat of oppressed Muslims from Bosnia to Kashmir, from somalia to Palestine.

Brothers and Sisters, let us revolt against the heartless worshippers that we have become.

Summary of Lessons From the story of the Prophet Ibraheem (AS)

even after 40 centuries, the message and the character of Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) remains exemplary for millions of people. A proponent of monotheism, he declared the Oneness of Almighty God at a time when the whole world was submerged into darkness of polytheism. In this backdrop, he heralded his determination to turn his face to the Almighty God, the One Who is the Creator of the universe.
Born in Babylon (modern Iraq) some 2000 BC, Ibrahim traveled through Syria, Egypt, Hijaz and Palestine, where he died and is buried at a place which is known after his name as Al-Khaleel. He made the entire Middle East areas as his area of operation for his mission, and assigned his nephew Lot to Sodom; his son Isaac to Palestine and planted his elder son Ismail at Hijaz. He is ancestor of most of the Prophets referred to in Old Testament, New Testament and the Holy Qur’an. He holds the highest position in world history with no parallel to him. Here we analyze his life and mission in light of the Holy Qur’an.

Ibrahim: God’s friend
Almighty God chose him as His friend (Khaleel). The people of his time in Syria would worship stars (thurayya). He is said to have been invited to select a star for his own worship. But after examining the sun and the moon, he rejected the idea and turned his face towards Allah the Creator of the heavens and the earth: “When the night covered him over, he saw a star: he said: ‘This is my Lord.’ But when it set, he said: ‘I love not those that set.’ When he saw the moon rising in splendor, he said: ‘This is my Lord.’ But when the moon set, he said: ‘Unless my Lord guides me, I shall surely be among those who go astray.’ When he saw the sun rising in splendor, he said: ‘This is my Lord; this is the greatest (of all).’ But when the sun set, he said: ‘O my people! I am indeed free from your (guilt) of giving partners to Allah. ‘For me, I have set my face, firmly and truly, towards Him Who created the heavens and the earth and never shall I give partners to Allah’.”
Ibrahim the iconoclast
In Iraq, King Nimrud then was powerful and a tyrant. The people were generally idolatrous and had many temples. Ibrahim was astonished to see people assigning their aspirations to idols of stones. One day when they were out of town for a festival, he entered the temple and hammered the stone-idols, mutilating their faces except the big one on which he placed the axe. When the people returned and saw their deities smashed and mutilated, they became angry. Although they felt ashamed of worshipping the idols that could not save themselves, they however decided to kill Ibrahim.
“So he broke them to pieces (all) but the biggest of them, that they might turn (and address themselves) to it. They said, ‘Who has done this to our gods? He must indeed be some man of impiety!’ They said, ‘We heard a youth talk of them: he is called Ibrahim.’ They said, ‘Then bring him before the eyes of the people, that they may bear witness.’ They said, ‘Art thou the one that did this with our gods, O Ibrahim?’ He said: ‘Nay, this was done by, this is their biggest one! Ask them, if they can speak intelligently!’ So they turned to themselves and said, ‘Surely ye are the ones in the wrong!’ Then were they confounded with shame: (they said) ‘Thou knowest full well that these (idols) do not speak!’ (Ibrahim) said, ‘Do ye then worship, besides Allah, things that can neither be of any good to you nor do you harm? ‘Fie upon you, and upon the things that ye worship besides Allah! Have ye no sense’?” (21:57-67)
“So naught was the answer of (Ibrahim’s) people. Except that they said: ‘Slay him or burn him.’ But Allah did save him from the Fire. Verily in this are Signs for people who believe.” (29:23)

Argument with the king
When caught and brought before the king, Ibrahim declared the power of his Lord in the open court: “Hast thou not turned thy vision to one who disputed with Ibrahim about his Lord, because Allah had granted him power? Ibrahim said: ‘My Lord is He Who giveth life and death.’ He said: ‘I give life and death.’ Said Ibrahim: ‘But it is Allah that causeth the sun to rise from the East do thou then cause it to rise from the West?’ Thus was he confounded who (in arrogance) rejected Faith. Nor doth Allah give guidance to a people unjust.” (2: 258)

The migration
Ibrahim left his father and the fatherland, and migrated to Egypt with his wife Sarah and he returned triumphant to Palestine with many gifts from the Egyptian king including a maid named Hajrah. Since Sarah was barren, Ibrahim married Hajrah who gave birth to a baby boy at his old age of 95. A jealous Sarah pressed her husband to take Hajrah away from her. On the Divine Guidance, Ibrahim took Hajrah and the new born Ismail to a distant place (present day Makkah) in Hijaz. Ibrahim left his beloved wife and infant son in the barren valley with no greenery, water or human inhabitation and prayed for the prosperity and security of his offspring in this barren valley.

Moments of trial
When the little amount of dates and water left by Ibrahim was over within few days, she felt thirsty and her infant son Ismail was crying to death. She ran madly between the two nearby hillocks of Safa and Marwah looking for water. She ran seven times. The hills and hillocks echoed with her cries. This was an ordeal, a great ordeal of God. She cried again and again but called none except Him. God showered His mercy upon her and a forceful spring of sweet water gushed out near Ismail’s feet. She called it Zamzam and it is flowing at the same place for the last 4,000 years. Almighty Allah declared Safa and Marwah as His signs and ordained the pilgrims to run seven times between them like His devoted lady, Hajrah: “Behold! Safa and Marwa are among the Symbols of Allah. So if those who visit the House in the Season or at other times, should compass them round, it is no sin in them. And if any one obeyeth his own impulse to Good, be sure that Allah is He Who recogniseth and knoweth.” (2:158)

The great triumph
Ibrahim returned a few years later to find his infant Ismail an energetic boy. He was tested again. He saw in a dream that he was offering his son Ismail as a sacrifice to his Lord. Ismail was his only son at this ripe age. Having decided however to win His pleasure, Ibrahim told the son of his dream. Being son of a great soul, Ismail immediately agreed, for this he said was ordained by God. Ibrahim took him to Mina (near Makkah) and as he laid Ismail to slaughter him, his Lord awarded him with great pleasure and ransomed Ismail with a goat sacrifice. This is the practice which is followed by all Muslims throughout the world as Eid Al-Adha or the festival of sacrifice.

The great assembly of Haj
Haj was started by Prophet Ibrahim. It is the perfect replica of the incidents and occasions of the life of Prophet Ibrahim and his family. Here we mention the main rites of Haj and their relationship with this noble family.

I. Construction of Holy Kaaba: Almighty Allah bestowed great favor on Prophet Ibrahim and Ismail to build the Holy Kaaba at Makkah Mukarramah, which is the focal point of the true faith in the world. Muslims turn their faces towards it in prayer, five times a day from every corner of the earth. Even their dead are buried facing the Holy Kaaba.
II. Performing Tawaf: Later Almighty Allah told him to call the people to perform Haj and Tawaf.
III. Saie of Safa and Marwah: Every pilgrim is obliged to run between the two hillocks.
IV. Zamzam: This is the water, which gushed out as a gift to infant Ismail. Pilgrims drink it and take it with them as holy water to the four corners of the world.
V. Rami Jamraat: When Prophet Ibrahim was taking his son, Ismail for a sacrifice in Mina the Iblees tried the seduce the family three times and they threw dust and pebbles upon him. The pilgrims follow the same practice and throw pebbles upon Iblees seven times each in three days of Haj.
VI. Animal sacrifice: This is in commemoration of Prophet Ibrahim’s decision to sacrifice his son Ismail and God’s Mercy upon him to ransom it by a sheep. The pilgrims in Mina and other Muslims celebrate the Great Win by sacrificing sheep, goat, cow and camels throughout the world. About two million animals in Mina and many millions abroad are slaughtered within three days whose meat is distributed to the poor. This is the largest free food distribution program of the world on the ‘Eid Al Adha’ annually.
VII. Maqam-i-Ibrahim: This is the place of a stone, marked with the foot print of Prophet Ibrahim where he was standing while raising the walls of Holy Kaaba. Every pilgrim offers prayer at this blessed place in every Tawaf.
VIII. Hijr Ismail: This place marked with Prophet Ismail’s name is now a part of the holy Kaaba and pilgrims offer prayer at this place.
The above rites of Haj are directly connected with the noble family of Prophet Ibrahim. Although Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) initiated Haj, there is however no Haj rite connected with his life. It is the commemoration of Prophet Ibrahim and his submission to the will of Almighty Allah.
Islam is the religion of Prophet Ibrahim. This is mainstream of Divine guidance including all prophets of Torah and the Bible. Judaism and Christianity are the offshoots of that one thread of divinity.

Remember our Eid is not a Eid of victory. It is the Eid of sacrifice (adha).
May Allah (SWT) give us sense, spirit of submission and sacrifice to Allah‟s will like the family of Ibrahim(AS). Ameen

Oh Allah I have conveyed the message!!!
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  1. Aasslamualiakum wrbh..
    Jazak Allah for the efforts.
    Alhamdulillah it's very good
    and very easy to understand

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