calling for peace

Calling for Peace.........(Must Read and share)
►Muslim United as........
One Ummah
One brotherhood
ONE Pulse
••►We are from Asia
••►We are from Africa
••►We are from Australia
••►We are from Europe
••►We are from America
••► We are from India
Yes, We are from different continents of the world. But....
••►Our ALLAH [God] is one,
••►Our Quran is one,
••►Our Prophet is one,
••►Our Qibla is one
••►Our World is one
••►One Ummah
So we are muslim, we are one,
WE ARE ONE NATION OF BELOVED PROPHET MUHAMMAD [Peace Be Upon Him] (ﺻﻠﻰ ﺍﻟﻠﻪ ﻋﻠﻴﻪ ﻭ ﺳﻠﻢ)
Let us have our Creed one
Methodology One
Objective One.
Allah (swt) warns us....of something that we do need a warning about, today in the world What's happens to the Muslims? Every small thing we are divided, small thing we cannot work together, we are divided!
If a person , for example , is tall.....not getting along with those who are short , I mean, that's a bit ridiculous but it can happen.
Allah (swt) really has warned us about dispute amongst you as an Ummah, if you are to dispute and argue, what will happen?
You'll lose your power, and your mighty as an Ummah,
Today we have over 2 billion Muslims on the globe, and we cannot agree to swat a fly ! I'm honest with you ,
We have moore than 2 billion muslims on the globe, we cannot agree to swat a fly! Why?
Because everyone is a big "SHEIKH" on his own and everyone wants to have a big say and the "SHEIKs" are fighting each other ,each one calling the other kaffir, kuffr.
Walahi ! Its a reality! So what is happening?
Our leaders are debating and arguing and fighting and calling each other names, the public are even more confused because any message of good news , they are kept away!
" Hey don't go here" " don't go there" " what is the story all about" " what happens?"
Allah (swt) says:
" And obey Allah and his messenger (SAW) and do not dispute (with one another) test you lose courage and your strength departs and be patient. Surely Allah is with those who are As Sabirun(the patient)(quraan 8:46)

Verse no 46 of surah An'fal, follow Allah and follow his Rasool and do not dispute with one another because it will result in to your total failure , and the going away or snatching away of your might as an Ummah
Gone ! Total gone ! Why because (of) a small dispute,
Today, brothers and sisters don't speak to each other , what a shame!!!
Uncles and aunts don't speak to each other , trustees from one masjeed do not get along with trustees from another masjeed
Its an issue of Prestige, level of faith!! Allah Akabar
What are you talking about?
We are an Umamah! We share the SHAHADAH, that's enough (reason)!
Let's put aside our diffreneces and come together , we need the might as an Ummah!
We have the numbers! We have Evrything! But the problem is we are disputing
And so Allah (swt) warns us in another verse of the holy Quraan , Allah says
"And those who disbelieve are allies of another "(Q8:73)
The kuffar (disbelievers) they are supporters and protectors of one another
Come What may they put aside their diffrences when it comes to sticking up for one another
This is in the Quraan , in the verse
Allah(swt) warns us
In verse 73 of the surah An'fal
Do you know what Allah says after he tells us that the kuffar stick up for one another and they protect one another
Allah says
" ...and if you (muslim) do not do so(become united as one), there will be Fitnah and Opression on the earth and great miscief and corruption"
If you are not going to do thesame , and there will be great Fitnah and fasad on earth
That means , if you are not going to stick up for one another and protect one another, then there will be chaos and corruption on the wholw globe, Hence we find the chao and corruption on the globe today!
We cannot see face to face yet we are born though one mother and father.
May Allah (swt) bless the Ummah!!!(Ameen)
May Allah protect us, Oh Allah......................
This is worth crying for!!!!
My brothers and sisters!!!
We are calling for unity!!!
Its not going to come withought tolerating one another, we need to understand that not everybody is going to think thesame, not everybody is going to have thesame inclinations,
But don't we share the SHAHADAH?
Isn't that stronger than the Bond of Blood, my brothers and sisters???
Gone are the days when the kuffar are excited becasue they can trample over us by the mere disunity that we are already engaged in , my brothers and sisters, we need it , we need it desperately!!!!!
Our brothers are suffering across the globe all over the world
The kuffar are using many tactic to kill us, they are using many strateties to cause dis unity and we are helping them by dispute, the big reason is , we are swearing one another , we are calling one another names , we do not want to look one another, whereas we are all utter the SHAHADAH!!( I bear witness that there is not God except Allah and that Muhammad is his slave and the messenger !
My brothers and sisters , this is a passionate Call
We want peace,
we are searching for peace,
we are the people of peace,
Why then are we looked at as war mongols who are killing one another across the globe, just because we have a little Differences??
Level of faith?
Remember what Allah(swt) says
 And hold fast all together by the rope which Allah (stretches out for you) and be not divided among yourselves; and remember with gratitude Allah's favor on you; for ye were enemies and He joined your hearts in love so that by His grace ye became brethren; and ye were on the brink of the pit of fire and He saved you from it. Thus doth Allah make his signs clear to you: that ye may be guided.
Al-Imran 3:103
Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.a) very eloquently conveyed a number of beautiful messages about UNITY, EQUALITY and BROTHERHOOD for Muslims during his last Kutba (addressing) at the mount Arafat (632CE). It is, therefore, our obligatory duty that we (Muslims) follow our prophet’s messages and keep our religious and cultural differences aside, and open our arms for friendship, unity, tolerance, love and respect for each other. This is one of the best ways through which we can demonstrate to anti-Muslim media and our critics that we Muslims are together, and care for each other, our religion is peaceful and kind. Islam opposes injustice, lack of freedom and oppression anywhere in the world forced upon poor and helpless people by a government or a tyrant ruler.

The following are two very clear messages from our Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.a) for entire humanity, as narrated in the Sahih Al Bukhari and Al Muslim:

• I have left two things among you, and you will not STRAY as long as you hold them strongly; one is the book of ALLAH (the QUR’AN), the other is the laws of His messenger (SUNNAHS).

• All humankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also, a white has no superiority over a black, nor does a black have any superiority over a white - except by GOOD DEEDS.

Let’s now examine why there is a lack of UNITY among Muslims. It is worth noting that there are 57 Muslim nations in the world, over 75% of the world’s oil comes from Islamic countries, and yet there is a lack of UNITY and no willingness to help or support Muslim people when they are in difficulties and requires financial and moral support - why. Is it because the rulers or governments in the Islamic countries run by dictators, corrupt and dishonest people, who are greedy, selfish and do not care about their people?

Nevertheless, on a positive note, I (Zikrlah) humbly request all our Muslim brothers and sisters to start a campaign among your family, friends and neighbours in schools, Masjeed with Love, Tolerance, Mutual Respect, Unity, and openly convey our prophet’s messages to other people. This would be a good start and your positive contribution will be rewarded.
Wether you are AhluSunnah, or not , we are all muslims and we are one, Islam doesn't encourage discrimination.
Pure intent to seek good pleasure of ALLAH alone - Loving what HE Loves, Hating what HE Hates - actions according to the Sunnah of our Prophet (sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam)
May Allah (swt) protect this Ummah, and may He grant us unity , may he open our Doors(Ameen)
May ALLAH (swt) help and shower His blessings upon our parents, and guide us to fulfill our obligatory and humanitarian duties without any personal or financial motives - Ameen!
O Allah, satisfy every hungry one among us,
O Allah, clothe every unclothed one among us,
O Allah, help every debtor pay his debts,
O Allah, relieve every distressed one among us
O Allah liberate the oppressed one
O Allah, cure every sick one,
O Allah, ease our poverty by Your wealth
Ameen Please share this with friends, I hope this message can get to all muslims on earth,
Please forward this post to your family, friends or whomever you think it would benefit, as this is part of the awareness project and obligatory duty. Your noble effort will (insha-Allah) be rewarded both in this world and hereafter. Jazak Allah.
I am from Africa(west)Nigeria
 "ISLAM Is My Life"
★For: #Zikrlah
Its "Sadqa-e-Jaaria"
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