the proper way to look for a life partner

Salamualakum Waramotulahe Wabarakatuh
Dear Muslims

When some one come to you with a proposal, and you are happy with their level of character and conduct, as well as religion, then do not disagree or deny them, let them get married to you, or let them get married to your daughter, because if you don't allow them , there may be lots of "FITNAH" and "FASAAD" . What is fitnah and fasaad on earth?

Fitnah meaning corruption, problems , disruptions , difficulties, calamities, and so many tribulations can happen.

So this is how the teaching of our beloved prophet muhammed (peace be upon him) we need no to reject proposals withought reasons, some people will reject it solely because they've had a problem with someone, solely because they had one raw deal , where they were wrong sometimes and their daughter has to suffer, their son has to suffer, then they lose out on good proposals, as we all know,
today , to get a good person to marry is like looking for a needle in a haystack, peharps not as difficult as that, but for a lot of people it may be just that and it is very very risky because sometimes we've picked up part of the hay and we think its a needle, in the same way we think we have a good man or good wive and it only turns out later on that they're not as good as we thought they were, so its important for us once we've made the decision each one of us should be. The main aim in our lives should be to please our creator ( our maker)Allah. To please our lord. We need to be constantly conscious of that. If that is the case, we will be able to lead a happy life if my main aim is to please my creator, my religion teaches me to be the best person, to be the best husband, to be the best wive, to be good in character , good in conduct, to get up early in the morning, you know , to read late at night to make sure that I've prayed, to make sure that I have fulfilled my duties unto him as well as my duties unto the rest of my family members. and all that is part and parcel of my religion and fulfilling what the almighty has instructed me to fulfilled and for this reason, when you look at someone who has character ,conduct, they speak well , they know how to come across , when they want to say something they choose the best way of coming across( doing that), you will lead a much happier life than marrying someone who is very abrupt, no character , no conduct, no religion and so on........... We've had a cases where you have people who pick up their wives in nightclubs. It is said that it is exactly where they leave them .
May Allah protect us, what that means is they picked someone up in the night club because of how good their legs looked, or for example how nice their face was or how beautiful their hair was. They day they find someone with better legs or better hair or better looks (Nahuzubilah) sure they will drop this and go for the next, so that was not the proper way of looking for a wife /husband

What is a relationship?

Relationship Is Not How Long U Have Been 2gether
Not How Much U Have Given Or Received
Not How Many Times U Have Helped Each Other,
Its How U "VALUE" One Another....
The relationship between a husband and a wife should be like the relationship between the hand and the eye, If the hand gets hurt the eye cries and If the eye cries the hand wipes its tears .
“When a Muslim man intends to come to his wife, God writes for him 20 good deeds and erases from him 20 evil deeds. When he takes her by the hand, God writes for him 40 good deeds and erases from him 40 evil deeds. When he kisses her, God writes for him 60 good deeds and erases from him 60 evil deeds. When he comes into her, God writes for him 120 good deeds. When he stands up to make the ablution, God boasts of him to the angels and says: "Look at My servant! He stands up on a cold night to wash himself of impurity (janaba) seeking the good pleasure of his Lord. I bear witness to you that I have forgiven him his sins". —

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