Salat (Salah, Namaz)

 or Prayer is the most important pillar of Islam which will be questioned on the day of Resurrection. Performing Prayers is obligatory for every adult Muslim. Salah is a ritual prayer having prescribed conditions and one must perform Salaah while fulfilling those conditions. Many times we perform Prayers or Salah as a practice or a part of habit only but tend to forget the basic essence of Namaz and make many mistakes during Prayers. 10 common mistakes and errors in Prayers or Salah are discussed:
1. Delaying the Salah intentionally: While being busy in worldly affairs we often delay the Salah from its preferred time. This is the most common mistake in Prayer made by most of us. We think that Praying is last thing to do and we must attend to other matters first. Many workers delay Zuhr and Asr Prayer till night-time. Quran speaks strictly on guarding our Salat:
“Guard strictly (five obligatory) As-Salawat (the prayers) especially the middle Salat (i.e. Asr Prayers)” [2:238]
Here to safeguard the Salat means to perform it at its prescribed time and to be steadfast upon it.
Narrated Ibn Umar (R.A): Allah’s Messenger (P.B.U.H) said: “Whoever misses the Asr prayers (intentionally), then it is as if he lost his family and property.” [Al-Bukhari]
Another Hadith explains the importance of praying on time:
Narrated Abu Al-Malih (R.A): “We were with Buraidah in a battle on a cloudy day and he said, “Offer the Asr prayer early as the Prophet (P.B.U.H) said, “Whoever omits the Asr prayer, all his (good) deeds will be lost.” [Al-Bukhari]
GET the full 10 common mistakes and errors in Prayers or Salah here----> www.skbola.tumblr.comhere

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