Rulings of the Dead Rulings of preparing and washing the dead Washing the dead Enshrouding the dead Anointing the dead Prayer for the dead Burying the deceased Burial night prayer Washing after touching the deceased

Rulings of the Dead
Rulings of preparing and washing the dead
Washing the dead
Enshrouding the dead
Anointing the dead
Prayer for the dead
Burying the deceased
Burial night prayer
Washing after touching the deceased

Rulings of preparing and washing the dead
Rule: It is obligatory for a person when death approaches; to repent, pay the fifth rate and charity, perform any unfulfilled obligations, and pay any debts and trusts; if he doesn’t, he must put this down in his will and have witnesses testify to it if required; it is recommended for him to bestow one third of his estate for charity.
Rule: If the dying person is afraid for his young children and their rights of inheritance, a trusted guardian must be appointed for them.
Rule: If a patient is declared “brain-dead” and it is certain that his body functions have totally stopped except that the movement and beat of his heart depends on medical equipment which the doctors have placed to keep his body alive, so the heart functions only because of the machines, not due to the power of natural life in the body.  It is permissible then to disconnect the medical equipment from the patient; and the same holds for someone who does not benefit from these machines.
Rule: As an obligatory precaution, the dead Muslim and whoever is in the agony of death muhtadir must be directed toward the Qiblah by laying him on his back and extending his legs in the same direction so that if he were sitting, he would be facing the Qiblah; there is no difference between a dead man or woman, old or young; and it is recommended to prepare him quickly unless one is not certain about his death; in this case delaying it is obligatory until his death becomes certain.
Rule: Scholars mention that it is recommended to have the person in the agony of death say the Two Testimonies, “there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah”, acknowledgement of the Prophet (p) and Imams (p), and the rest of the rightful beliefs and words of relief which are, “There is no God but Allah The Forbearing, The Generous, there is no God but Allah The Supreme, The Great, There is no God but Allah The Sovereign, The True, The Just, The Manifest Truth; Praised be Allah The Lord of the seven heavens and Lord of the seven earths and what is in them, what is in between them, above them and below them and the Lord of the Great Throne, and peace be upon the Messengers and Thanks to Allah, The Lord of the Worlds.” The Arabic pronunciation is, “La Ilaha illa-l-Lahu-l-Haleemu-l-Kareem, la Ilaha illa-l-Lahu-l-Aliyyu-l-Atheem, la Ilaha illa-l-Lahu-l-Maliku-l-Haqqu-l-Adlu-l-Mubeen, Subhana-l-Lahi Rabbi-s-Samawaati-s-Sab’i wa Rabbi-l-Araadeeni-s-Sab’i wa ma feehinna wa ma bainahunna, wa ma fawqahunna wa ma tahtahunna wa Rabbi-l-Arshi-l-Atheem, wa salaamun ala-l-Mursaleen, wa-l-hamdu li-l-Lahi Rabbi-l-Aalameen.” It is unfavorable for someone in major ritual impurity junub or during menstruation to touch a person while he is in the agony of death or to talk in his presence. 
Rule: Washing the dead is obligatory for Muslims bound by religious duties mukallafin as a collective obligation wajib kifa’i: if one person fulfills it, the rest are exempted from it.  This also applies to the rest of the dead person’s duties which we will mention later.  The obligation of washing the dead applies to all Muslims, including Muslim children and the insane, except for those killed in struggle or in defending Islam on the condition that Muslims cannot reach him while he is still alive, even for an instant.
Rule: A child born dead must be washed, anointed and enshrouded if he had completed four months, but it is neither obligatory nor recommended to pray on him.
Rule: It is forbidden to look at the dead person’s private parts just as it is for live people, but this does not invalidate the washing.
Rule: In washing the dead one should eliminate impurities from the body as explained earlier in bathing for major ritual impurity ghusl al-janabah and, on a more precautionary basis; the whole body should be cleansed before starting the wash. He must be laid facing the Qiblah just as a person in the throes of death al-muhtadir, but it does not affect the validity of the washing if he was not laid toward the Qiblah.
Rule: Conditions pertaining to the person doing the washing: The conditions that should be fulfilled in the person washing the dead are: reaching the age of puberty (on the basis of obligatory precaution), sanity, faith, and being of the same sex as the dead, with the following exceptions:
1. Husband and wife: it is permissible for each to wash the other voluntarily from behind a cloth or while keeping the body covered.
2. If the dead person is a child who is not more than three years old: it is permissible for someone not of the same gender to wash him.  Thus, a man can wash a female child if she is three years old or less, and a woman may wash a male child who is three years old or less.
3. The unmarriageable relative mahram: a person can wash an unmarriageable relative, even those of the other gender; such as his or her sister, brother, parents and their children and, on a more precautionary basis, one must wash the dead who is not the same in gender from behind a cloth.
Rule: If a non-Shiite washes a dead person of the same sect and washing was according to the sect of the dead, the Muslims are exempted from this obligation; if a Shiite washes him, he must wash him according to the Shiite sect where discretion at-taqiyyah is not required.
Rule: If there is no Shiite Muslim of the same gender as the dead person, or one of his unmarriageable relatives, it is permissible for a non-Shiite Muslim of the same gender to wash him; and if not, it is permissible for a non-Muslim follower of the Scripture kitabiy of the same gender to wash him. On a more precautionary basis, the follower of the Scripture must bathe first before washing the dead; if a follower of the Scripture could not be found, the washing obligation becomes unenforceable and the dead is buried without washing.

Washing the dead:
Rule: The dead should be washed with three ghusls in the following order:
1. With water mixed with lote tree leaves sidr. (First ghusl)
2. With water mixed with camphor. (Second ghusl)
3. With pure water. (Third ghusl); and the wash must be done in order by first washing the head and neck, then the right side, then the left.
Rule: Lote tree leaves sidr and camphor must be mixed into the water in the amount that is customary; it must be made sure that there is not too much mixed in the water, making it exceed the limit of purity itlaq and therefore it becomes mixed water mudaf.
Rule: If lote and camphor were not found, then on a more precautionary basis, the dead should be washed with pure water with the intention of replacing badal the washing due to the unavailability thereof, and dry ablution tayammum should be added to it.
Rule: If the dead person’s body becomes impure during washing with an external impurity or from the dead himself, the impure spot must be purified, but it is not obligatory to repeat the wash.
Rule: It is permissible to wash the dead from behind a cloth even if the person doing the washing is of the same gender; it is possibly more preferable than washing him naked.

Enshrouding the dead:
Rule: It is obligatory to enshroud the dead Muslim with three pieces of material: the apron mi’zar, shirt qamees and sheet izar. It is obligatory for the apron to cover the area from the navel to the knee, and it is more preferable to be from the chest to the feet. It is obligatory for the shirt to cover the body from the shoulders until the calves, but it is more preferable if it covers the feet. For the sheet lengthwise to cover the whole body with its two edges tied, and crosswise one edge should be folded over the other and, on a more precautionary basis, each edge must cover the whole body. If all three pieces aren’t available, the dead must be enshrouded with what is available, on a precautionary basis.

Enshrouding conditions:
Rule: Conditions observed in enshrouding takfeen the dead:
1. Permissibility ibaha and not stolen.
2. Purity.
3. The shroud kafan must not be made of pure silk and, on a more precautionary basis, it must not be gilded (ornamented with gold), or made from animals whose flesh are not lawful to eat, or from leather even if it was from an animal whose flesh is lawful to eat. All of these conditions except for permissibility are not required in the case of necessity; as for permissibility, if the shroud is strictly unlawful, the dead will be buried naked, but if it was restricted to other types that are unlawful to enshroud, optionally, he would be enshrouded with it.

Anointing the dead:
Rule: The dead Muslim must be anointed; which is wiping the seven spots that touch the ground during prostration with powdered camphor whose scent does not go away. The customary amount is enough and it is recommended to mix it with a little of the Husaini soil At-Turba-l-Husainiyyah. It is stipulated that the camphor be permissible (not stolen); if permissible camphor cannot not be obtained anointing is not obligatory.
Rule: On a more precautionary basis, wiping of the camphor should be done with the palm of the hand and it should start from the forehead with no particular order to follow for the rest of the areas; and it should be observed that the embalmer must be mature and sane.
Rule: It is permissible for the person preparing the dead to accept money for it, as well as considering it as a recommended charity for the dead person’s soul, since it is permissible to give what is recommended to the poor and also to the rich.

Prayer for the dead
Rule: Prayer for the dead Muslim, or funeral prayer, is obligatory, even if he was an immoral person, and it is a collective obligation kifa’i.
Rule: Prayer for the dead is only for those who are six years of age or older.
The manner of prayer for the dead:
Rule: Prayer for the dead consists of five glorifications Takbirat and, on a more precautionary basis; a special supplication should be said after each glorification except the last one. The suitable supplications are: The two Testimonies after the first glorification, prayer on Muhammad and Aal Muhammad (his Family) after the second, supplication for the believing men and women after the third, supplication for the dead after the fourth, and prayer ends with the fifth glorification.
It is more recommended to say after the first glorification, “Ash’hadu an la Ilaha illa-l-Lah, Wahdahu la shareeka Lah, wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan Abduhu wa Rasooluh, arsalahu bi-l-Haqqi Basheeran wa Natheeran baina Yadai-s-Saa’ah” which means, “I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, He is One without a partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His Servant and Messenger, He sent him with Truth as a bearer of good tidings and a warner before the Hour”.
After the second glorification it is recommended to say, “Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa Aali Muhammad, wa-Rham Muhammadan wa Aala Muhammad ka Afdali ma Sallaita wa Baarakta wa Tarahhamta ala Ibrahima wa Aali Ibraheem, Innaka Hameedun Majeed, wa Salli ala jamee’i Ibadi-l-Lahi-s-Saliheen” which means, “O Allah: Praise be upon Muhammad and the Family of Muhammad, have Mercy upon Muhammad and the Family of Muhammad as the Best of what You Praised, Blessed and had Mercy on Ibrahim and the Family of Ibrahim; surely, You are The Praiseworthy, The Glorious, and praise upon all the good servants of Allah.”
After the third glorification say, “Allahumma-gfir li-l-Mu’mineena wal-Mu’minat, wa-l-Muslimeena wa-l-Muslimat, al-ahya’i minhum wa-l-amwat, taabi’ bainana wa bainahum bi-l-khairat, Innaka Mujeebu-d-da’awat, Innaka ala kulli shai’in Qadeer” which means, “My Lord, forgive the believing males and females, the Muslim men and women, the living thereof and the dead, continue the good relationship between us and them, You are The Responder to prayers, You are Able to do everything”.
After the fourth say, “Allahumma inna hatha’l-musajja amamana abduka wa-bnu abdika wa-bnu amatika nazala bika wa Anta Khairu Manzoolin Bih, Allahumma inna la na’lamu minhu illa khairan wa Anta A’lamu bihi minna, Allahumma in kana muhsinan fa.zid  fi ihsanihi wa in kana musee’an fa-tajaawaz an sayyi’aatihi wa-ghfi lahu, Allahumma j’alhu indaka fi a’la Illiyyeena wa-khluf ala ahlihi fi-l-ghaabireen, wa-rhamhu bi-Rahmatika ya Arhama-r-Raahimeen” which means, “My Lord, this (one) laid before us is surely Your servant, son of Your male servant and son of Your female servant; he has joined You, Oh Best Joined One! My Lord, we do not know about him except that which is good and You know him better than we do! Our Lord, if he was good, then increase him in goodness and, if he was bad, then let his bad deeds go unpunished and forgive him! My Lord, place him with You in the highest Illiyyeen (record of the pious), give posterity to his past ancestors and have mercy on him with Your Mercy, You are the Most Merciful of the merciful ones”; then the prayer ends with the last Glorification.
One must make sure to use the masculine and feminine form of language with respect to the deceased; this form also has to do with whether or not the deceased was a mature believer, and the Testimony is permissible if we say, “Allahumma inna la na’lamu minhu illa khairan”, meaning “Our Lord! We do not know about him except that which is good” if we mean ‘Islam’ by ‘good’ or the Guardianship wilaya of Muhammad (p) and the Family of Muhammad (p).
In praying for the believers’ dead children, one must say after the fourth Glorification, “Allahumma j’alhu li abawayhi wa lana salafan wa fartan wa ajran”, meaning, “My Lord! Make him for his parents and for us an ancestor, a guide mark and a reward”.
Rule: It is permissible to perform one prayer for several dead persons as long as they are gathered before the one performing the prayer and he uses the dual or plural form in supplication as appropriate, and the masculine or feminine form as  appropriate for the dead person’s, or persons’, gender.
Rule: Things to be observed for the funeral prayer:
1. Funeral prayer must be after washing, anointing and enshrouding the body; otherwise it is void and must be repeated. If washing or performing dry wudu’ on the dead, anointing and enshrouding were unachievable, praying for him only is acceptable.
2. The intention.
3. The one praying must be standing, if possible.
4.  The dead person’s head must be on the right side of the one performing the prayer.
5. The dead must be laid on his back when praying for him.
6.  The one praying must face the Qiblah.
7. The deceased must be laid in front of the praying person.
8.  There must be no obstruction between them.
9. The place where the prayer is conducted must be permissible, as a preferable precaution.
10. Sequence in Glorifications and supplications must be observed, by not taking so much time between them the form of the prayer is disrupted.
11. There must not be a large distance between the performer of the prayer and the deceased; neither should one of them be on much higher ground than the other.

Burying the deceased:
Rule: Burying the deceased Muslim is a collective obligation wajib kifa’i; his burial must be performed in such a way that his body is protected from beasts and that his smell does not emit to the outside; and he must be placed on his right side, facing the Qiblah.
Rule: It is not permissible to bury the deceased in a place that leads to defying his purity, such as an open drain or dirty areas; it is not permissible to bury him in a non-Muslim graveyard, just as it is not permissible to bury a non-Muslim in a Muslim graveyard.
Rule: The permissibility of the place of burial must be observed; so, it is not lawful to bury him in a stolen place or in a religious endowment for a private institution, such as a school or a husainiyyah (mosque), etc.
Rule: If the deceased was buried in a place that is impermissible for burial, it is obligatory to open the grave, unearth the corpse and bury it in a place where burial is permissible.
Rule: It is not lawful to open the grave without a necessary reason that requires it: it is lawful for the purpose of transferring the corpse to a sacred site and such legally preferable purposes, as this entails honoring the dead and manifesting his high esteem.

Burial night prayer:
Rule: Sheikh Al-Kaf’ami related an account by Ibn Fahd who heard it from the Prophet (p), “The deceased never experiences a severer night than the first night (in the grave); so be merciful to your dead ones with charity, but if you cannot afford it, then let one of you pray two rak’ahs (parts of prayer), reciting in the first part the Opening chapter Al-Hamd (surat Al-Fatiha) and the Verse of the Throne (Ayata-l-Kursi) and, in the second, after the Opening chapter, surat Al-Qadr ten times, saying after the salutation (At-Tasleem): “Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa Aali Muhammad wa-b’ath thawabaha ila qabri (mention the name of the deceased)”.  The Arabic translation is, “My Lord! Pray upon (i.e. shower with blessings) Muhammad and the Family of Muhammad, and send its reward to the grave of (mention the name of the deceased)”. Accounts state that there are different ways to perform this prayer.

Washing after touching the deceased:
Rule: Ritual bathing al-ghusl is obligatory for someone who touches the deceased after the body becomes cold and before it is washed.   There is no difference if the touch was moist or not and there is no difference if what was touched was something that life exists in or not, on a more precautionary basis, such as a tooth or a fingernail.  Obligation applies to touching the deceased non-Muslim as well as the deceased Muslim.
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