QuranicSolutions for Your Every Problem

title dua  Quranic Solutions for Your Every ProblemDua is an Arabic word meaning to ‘call out’ or to ‘summon’ . It is a powerful mean to be in contact with Allah. It is the best way to be in contact with Allah. Many people don’t know the Arabic dua’s that are written in Quran to help us and Ask Allah for our daily matters for help. So which dua’s can be better than those mentioned in Quran? Let us tell you some dua supplication from the Holy Book.

Dua for Renewal of Faith

Faith a very sacred part of a Muslims life. Allah the Almighty has also told us the Duas for the renewal of our faith.
Dua # 2  

And there are some among them who say: Our Lord! grant us good in this world and good in the hereafter, and save us from the chastisement of the fire.
Sura Baqara – Ayah # 201.

Dua for Wealth and Prosperity

Allah has also told us the duas to ask for prosperity and wealth in our life.

Dua # 4

And do not believe but in him who follows your religion. Say: Surely the (true) guidance is the guidance of Allah — that one may be given (by Him) the like of what you were given; or they would contend with you by an argument before your Lord. Say: Surely grace is in the hand of Allah, He gives it to whom He pleases; and Allah is Ample-giving, Knowing.
3.74: He specially chooses for His mercy whom He pleases; and Allah is the Lord of mighty grace.
Sura Ale-Imran (3) – Ayat 73 & 74

Dua for Sorrows and sufferings

When God forbid you are sorrow and suffered or you are asking Allah to keep you away from sufferings , this dua can proved to be very powerful.
Dua # 6

La ila ha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu minazzalimeen
And Yunus, when he went away in wrath, so he thought that We would not straiten him, so he called out among afflictions: There is no god but Thou, glory be to Thee; surely I am of those who make themselves to suffer loss.
( Al-Anbiya (21): vs. 87)

Apart from these Duas Quran tells us many more duas. You should memorize and learn these Quranic Duas to make them a part of your life.
But we know the problem is that you are thinking how can I find the time to learn these duas. But don’t you worry. Let us give you a solution that you can learn Quranic Duas from a Quran scholar who can teach you Daily Dua supplication in a better way.

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