Tips: Finish Reading the entire Qur'an in Ramadan ●|●

Read the entire Qur’an [with Understanding] in Ramadan by following this easy technique:

•► Finishing the entire Qur’an in this month.

•► Read 4 pages of the Qur’an after every Salah.. Make sure you understand it. 5 prayers X 4 pages = 20 pages. 20 pages= about 1 juzz. 1 juzz X 30= the entire Qur’an.

Here is a breakdown of the Juzz:

Juz’ 1 – Al Fatiha 1 – Al Baqarah 141
Juz’ 2 – Al Baqarah 142 – Al Baqarah 252
Juz’ 3 – Al Baqarah 253 – Al Imran 92
Juz’ 4 – Al Imran 93 – An Nisaa 23
Juz’ 5 – An Nisaa 24 – An Nisaa 147
Juz’ 6 – An Nisaa 148 – Al Ma’idah 81
Juz’ 7 – Al Ma’idah 82 – Al An’am 110
Juz’ 8 – Al An’am 111 – Al A’raf 87
Juz’ 9 – Al A’raf 88 – Al Anfal 40
Juz’ 10 – Al Anfal 41 – At Tauba 92
Juz’ 11 – At Tauba 93 – Hud 5
Juz’ 12 – Hud 6 – Yusuf 52
Juz’ 13 – Yusuf 53 – Ibrahim 52
Juz’ 14 – Al Hijr 1 – An Nahl 128
Juz’ 15 – Al Isra (or Bani Isra’il) 1 – Al Kahf 74
Juz’ 16 – Al Kahf 75 – Ta Ha 135
Juz’ 17 – Al Anbiyaa 1 – Al Hajj 78
Juz’ 18 – Al Muminum 1 – Al Furqan 20
Juz’ 19 – Al Furqan 21 – An Naml 55
Juz’ 20 – An Naml 56 – Al Ankabut 45
Juz’ 21 – Al Ankabut 46 – Al Azhab 30
Juz’ 22 – Al Azhab 31 – Ya Sin 27
Juz’ 23 – Ya Sin 28 – Az Zumar 31
Juz’ 24 – Az Zumar 32 – Fussilat 46
Juz’ 25 – Fussilat 47 – Al Jathiya 37
Juz’ 26 – Al Ahqaf 1 – Az Zariyat 30
Juz’ 27 – Az Zariyat 31 – Al Hadid 29
Juz’ 28 – Al Mujadila 1 – At Tahrim 12
Juz’ 29 – Al Mulk 1 – Al Mursalat 50
Juz’ 30 – An Nabaa 1 – An Nas 6

"May Allah make us of the successful in Ramadan, and make it easy for us to turn to Him completely and perpetually." Aameen

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